ソウザ・ジョージ・ブライアン (外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成20年6月1日 - 平成20年11月30日)
Global Maritime Economic History
My general research interests are in global maritime economic history (cross-cultural
contacts, European relations with Asia, America and Africa) and early modern
European history and its expansion (focusing on themes and comparisons
in intellectual (history of ideas and imperial ideologies), environmental,
commercial, and cultural history from about 1600 to 1800. While at Kyoto,
I will be working on: “Silverization and Beyond: Interconnecting Maritime
Trade, Exchange, and Expansion in Early Modern Asian Economies,” which
focuses on directly interconnecting the expansion of the production of
silver, other metals, and mediums of exchange, the increase in their circulation
or exchange by maritime trade with the expansion in cash-crop agricultural
or hand-craft production.
- 1972
- B.A., History, Stanford University
- 1976
- M.A., S.E. Asian Area Studies, SOAS, University of London
- 1981
- D. Phil., History, Trinity College, Cambridge University
- 2002 – present
- Associate Professor (adjunct), Department of History, University of Texas,
San Antonio
- 2003-present
- Associate Member, Laboratoire “Etats et sociétés en péninsule Indochinoise,”
École Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)/École Pratique des Hautes Études
- 2004-present
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, Ph.D. and
M.A. program in the History of Portuguese Expansion and the History of
Awards and Fellowships:
- April-July 2003
- IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies), Affiliated Fellow, Leiden
- August-November, 2004
- American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS) Fellow
- February-March 2006; April-June 2004
- IAN/TT-FLAD Grant(s), Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, Portugal
- September 2006; September 2003-March, 2004
- Bernardo Mendel Fellow, Lilly Library, Indiana University
- March 2006 - March 2007
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University
of Singapore, Singapore
- September – November 2007
- Helen Watson Buckner Memorial Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Providence,
Rhode Island
- January –April 2009
- Fulbright Fellow, Macau, China
- A Sobrevivencia do Imperio: Os Portugueses na China (1630-1754), translated by Luisa Arrais, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa, 1991.
- The Survival of Empire: Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South
China Sea, 1630-1754, Cambridge University Press, in hardback, 1986 and in paperback, 2004.
Chapters in Books
- “Maritime Trade and Politics in China and the South China Sea,” Michael
N. Pearson and Ashin Das Gupta, eds., India and the Indian Ocean, Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1987, 317-330.
- “Ballast Goods: Chinese Maritime Trade in Zinc and Sugar in the Seventeenth
and Eighteenth Centuries”, Dietmar Rothermund and Roderick Ptak, eds.,
Emporia, Commodities and Entrepreneurs in Asian Maritime Trade, c.1400-1750, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 1990, 291-315.
- “Commerce and Capital: Portuguese Maritime Losses in the South China Sea,
1600-1754”, A. T. de Matos and L.F.E. Reis Tomaz, eds., As Relações entre a Índia Portuguesa, a Ásia do Sueste e o Extremo Oriente,
Actas do VI Seminário Internacional de História Indo-Portuguesa, Macau and Lisbon, 1993, 321-48.
- “Portuguese Country Traders in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea,
c.1600,” Om Prakash, ed., European Commercial Expansion in Early Modern Asia, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997, 69-80.
- “The Portuguese Merchant Fleet at Macao in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries,” Ernest van Veen and Leonard Blussé, eds., Rivalry and Conflict: European Traders and Asian Trading Networks in the
16th and 17th Centuries, Leiden: CNWS Publications, 2005, 342-369.
- "Tingir de vermelho: o sapão da Ásia do Sueste nos séculos XVII e
XVIII,” Mirabilia Asiatica, vol. 2, Jorge M. dos Santos Alves, Claude Guillot, Roderich Ptak, eds.,
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag and Lisbon: Fundação Oriente, 2005, 21-35.
- “Macau and the Estado da India: Colonial Administration, Administrators and Commerce,” invited contribution
in Chinese in: Wu Zhiliang, Tang Kaijian and Jin Guo Ping, coordinators,
Aomenshi Xinbian (New Studies on the History of Macau/Novos Estudos sobre
a História de Macau), Macau: Fundação Macau, 2007.
- “Developing Habits: Opium and Tobacco in the Indonesian Archipelago, c.
1619 - c. 1794,” James H. Mills and Patricia Barton, eds., Drugs and Empires: Essays in Modern Imperialism and Intoxication 1500-1930, London: Palgrave, 2007.
- “The Vision of Riches: the Individual and the Political Economy of the
Estado da India and of Asia in Fernão Mendes Pinto’s Peregrinação,” Jorge dos Santos Alves, ed., untitled conference proceedings volume,
Lisbon: Fundação Oriente, 2008, forthcoming.
- “The VOC’s Price Current in Asia: A Price History for Asian and European
Commodities over the Long Eighteenth Century,” A.J.H. Latham, ed., untitled
and unidentified publisher of this conference proceedings volume, forthcoming.
- “The French connection: Indian cottons and their early modern technology,”
Om Prakash, Giorgio Riello, Tirthankar Roy, and Kaoru Sugihara, eds., How India Clothed the World: The World of South Asian Textiles, 1500-1850, Leiden: Brill, scheduled for publication in September 2008, forthcoming.
- “Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea: A Research
Report,” Itinerario 3:1 (1979): 64-73.
- “Notes on the ‘Algemeen Rijksarchief’ and its Importance for the Study
of Portuguese, Asian and Inter-Asian Maritime Trade,” Itinerario 4:2 (1980): 48-56.
- “Portuguese Society in Macao and Luso-Vietnamese Relations, 1511-1751,”
Boletim do Instituto Luis de Camões, 15:1-2 (1981): 68-114.
- “Portuguese Country Traders in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea,
c.1600,” Moyen Orient et Ocean Indien, Paris, 1 (1984): 117-28.
- “Country Trade and Chinese Alum: Raw Material Supply in Asia’s Textile
Production in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” Revista da Cultura, 11 (2004): 136-153.
- "Dyeing Red: S.E. Asian Sappanwood in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries;" in English and Portuguese, O Oriente, 8 (2004): 40-58.
- “The Portuguese Merchant Fleet at Macao in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries,” Revista da Cultura, 13 (2005): 48-64.
- “Portuguese Colonial Administrators and Inter-Asian Maritime Trade: Manuel
de Sousa de Meneses and the Fateh Moula Affair,” Portuguese Studies Review, 12:2, (2004-2005): 25-62.
- “Convergence before Divergence: Global Maritime Economic History and Material
Culture,” The International Journal of Maritime History, 17:1 (June, 2005), 17-27.
- “Early Global Encounters with Beauty: The Pacific and Indo-Atlantic exchanges
between Asia and America,” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Issue 72, 39:1 (2006): 13-29.
- “Opium and the Company: Maritime Trade and Imperial Finances on Java, 1684-1796,” Modern Asian Studies, 2008, forthcoming
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