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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University



トゥン・ユラン (外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成20年7月1日 - 平成20年12月31日)
Global Maritime Economic History



Current research interests is about “The Search for Chinese Identity and Culture among Chinese Indonesians during the Post--Suharto Era.”



1977- 82
Bachelor in Sinology, University of Indonesia
Master in Sociology, Purdue University, West Lafayette,Indiana, U.S.A
Ph.D in Sociology, La Trobe University,Bundoora, Vic. Australia
PhD Thesis title: Identities in Flux: Young Chinese in Jakarta

Working experience:

1983 - 1986
Researcher at the National Institute of Cultural Research (LRKN) under the auspices of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
1986 - 2001
Researcher at the Center for Social and Cultural Studies (PMB) under the auspices of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences
2001 – present
Researcher at the Research Center for Society and Culture (PMB) under the auspices of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Main Publications (Selective)

  1. “Tinjauan Sosiologis Etnis Tionghoa dalam Kancah Politik Indonesia (Sociological Analysis on Ethnic Chinese in Indonesian Political Arena)”, in Suara Baru, Edisi 19/IV/January-February 2008, pp.43-47.
  1. “Empat Masa Persoalan Cina (Four Periods of Chinese Problems)”, in Tempo 17 August 2007, pp. 100-101.
  1. “The Problem of Multi-Ethnicity in Indonesia”, in Asia Views, Vol. 1 No.16 August-September 2007, pp. 8-9.
  1. “The Challenge of Assessing Diversity for Multicultural Education in Indonesia”, in Charlene Tan and Kim-chong Chong (eds), Critical Perspectives on Moral and Citizenship Education: Issues and Challenges in Asia”, Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007, pp. 98-108.
  1. "Komunitas Etnis Cina-Indonesia: Perubahan Sosial-Politik Era Reformasi Menuju Pembentukan Negara-Bangsa yang Demokratis” (Ethnic Chinese-Indonesian Community: Social-Political Change of Reformasi Period Toward the Formation of Democratic Nation-State”), in Fathoni Moehtadi, Zulyani Hidayah, Maimunah (editors) Bunga Rampai Dinamika Masyarakat Masa Kini (The Anthology of the Dynamics of Contemporary Society), Jakarta: Asisten Deputi Urusan Pemberdayaan SDM dan Profesi Iptek Deputi Bidang Dinamika Masyarakat Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi, 2005, pp. 65- 85.
  1. “Studi Tentang Komunitas Cina-Indonesia” (The Study of Chinese-Indonesian Community), in Studia Sinica, No.03, Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya-Universitas Indonesia, 2004, pp. 37-65.
  1. “Ethnicity and Civil Rights Movement in Indonesia” in Lee Hock Guan (editor) Civil Society in Southeast Asia, Singapore: ISEAS, 2004, pp. 217-233.