リウ・ホン (外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成21年9月1日 - 平成22年2月28日)
International Migration; History; International Relations
・Governance in Transnational Asia
・China’s rise and implications for East/Southeast Asia
・Sino-Southeast Asian interactions in the socio-cultural arenas
・Chinese international migration, nationalism and transnationalism
・Chinese social and business networks with special reference to Southeast
Professor of East Asian Studies and Director of Centre for Chinese Studies,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (2006.7--present)
Chinese Ministry of Education "Yangtze Distinguished Professorship",
School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (Canton),
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies,
National University of Singapore (1995.11-2006.6, tenured in August 2000)
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Research Fellow, Anthropological-Sociological Center/Center for Asian Studies,
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1987.12-1989.3)
Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer, History Department, Xiamen (Amoy) University,
PRC (1985.7-1987.11)
- China and the Shaping of Indonesia, 1949-1965. Singapore, 2010.
- Battle for the Minds: The Cold War in Asia and Beyond (co-edit with Yangwen Zheng and Michael Szonyi). Boston, 2010.
- Pram dan Cina [Pramoedya and China] (co-author with Goenawan Mohamad, Sumit Mandal).
Jakarta, 2008.
- 《错综于市场、社会和国家之间—东亚口岸城市的华商与亚洲区域网络》(与廖赤阳合编). 新加坡,2008. [Shuttling between Market, Society and the State: Chinese Merchants in Port
Cities and the Making of Trading Networks in East Asia (co-edit with Liao Chiyang). Singapore, 2008].
- The Chinese Overseas (editor and contributor), 4 volumes. London, 2006.
- Singapore Chinese Society in Transition: Business, Politics and Socio-economic
Change, 1945-1965 (co-author with S. K. Wong). New York, 2004.
- Diasporic Chinese Ventures (co-edit with Gregor Benton and contributor). London, 2004.
- China and Southeast Asia: Changing Social and Cultural Linkages (co-edit with Melissa Curley and contributor). Hong Kong, 2002.
- 《中国-东南亚学:理论建构∙互动模式∙个案分析》北京,2000. [Sino-Southeast Asian Studies: Theoretical Framework, Interaction Patterns
and Case Analyses]. Beijing, 2000.
- <国際移民と多民族国家の構造―シンガポール、イギリスの経験を中心>『環:歴史・環境・文明』(東京), まもなく出版される.
- <海外华人研究的谱系:主题的变化与方法的演进>, 《华人研究国际学报》(新加坡),第二期 (2009), 即出.
- <作为新政策领域的跨国华人:20世纪末21世纪之初的中国与新加坡>,《中国研究》(北京),第5/6辑(2008),第252-74页.
- <ネットワーク、アイデンティティと華人研究: 二十世紀の東アジア地域秩序を再検討する> (與廖赤陽合撰)『東南アジア研究』, 43卷,4号(2006),pp.346-373.
- “The Transnational Construction of ‘National Allegory’: China and the Cultural
Politics of Postcolonial Indonesia,” Critical Asian Studies (London), vol. 38, no. 3 (2006), pp. 179-210.
- “New Migrants and the Revival of Overseas Chinese Nationalism,” Journal of Contemporary China (London), vol. 14, no. 43 (2005), pp. 291-316.
- “Social Capital and Business Networking: A Case Study of Modern Chinese
Transnationalism,” Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), vol. 39, no. 3 (2001), pp. 357-381.
- “Sino-Southeast Asian Studies: Towards an Alternative Paradigm,” Asian Studies Review (Oxford), vol. 25, no. 3 (2001), pp. 259-283.
- “Intellectual Representations and Socio-Political Implications: Comparative
China-Imagining in Postcolonial Indonesia and Contemporary America,” Asian Thought and Society (New York), vol. 26, no. 76 (2001), pp. 29-50.
- “Old Linkages, New Networks: The Globalization of Overseas Chinese Voluntary
Associations and its Implications,” The China Quarterly (Cambridge), no. 155 (1998), pp. 582-609.
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