ナレッパ・ナガラジ (外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成21年6月1日 - 平成21年11月30日)
Water Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Equitable Use in India-A Comparative
Analysis with Asian Countries
Water Resource Economics
Water Policies and Watershed Management
Natural Resource Management for Improving Livelihood Security
Agricultural Production and Resource Economics, Markets and Institutions
I have been teaching and researching in the fields of agricultural economics,
natural resource economics and agricultural production economics and farm
management since 1981, ever since I began my academic career in the University
of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. Currently, I am working as
Professor in the Dept of Agricultural Economics, involving teaching research
and outreach activities. I am proud to state that I am the (i) Fulbright
fellow; (ii) French post doctoral fellow (iii) World Bank visiting fellow,
(iv) Jawaharlal Nehru best PhD thesis awardee, (v) winner of the best research
paper award from the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics with (v)
publications in National and international journals and (vi) pioneering
international research projects with sponsorship from USAID focusing on
natural resource economics and institutional aspects of water and water
policy research. I have handled a substantive Action Research Project sponsored
by USAID, IFRI and World Bank promoting sustainable agricultural development
in rural villages of South India. The project entitled Water Resource Management
- the impact of Water Harvesting Structures on groundwater recharge funded
under Indo-US Agril Knowledge Initiative (AKI), attempted in quantifying
groundwater recharge on watershed basis. Currently, I am working on Livelihood
Security of Rural Poor in Disadvantaged Chitradurga District of Karnataka
through Integrated Farming Systems Approach-Sponsored by ICAR, National
Agricultural Innovative Project (NAIP) funded by World Bank. I am a member
in the Karnataka state, "Water Resource Authority."
- N. Nagaraj, M. G. Chandrakanth, P.G. Chengappa, H.S. Roopa and Pramod M
Chandkavate, (2008), Contract Farming and its Implications for Input-supply,
Linkages between Farmers in Karnataka, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol: 21, pp: 307-316
- B. Chinnappa and N. Nagaraj, (2007), An Economic Analysis of Public Interventions
for Amelioration of Irrigation induced Land Degradation, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol: 20 (2), PP 375-382
- B. Chinnappa and N. Nagaraj, (2006), Equity Issues Relating to Irrigation
Induced Soil Degradation under Left Bank Canal of Tungabhadra Project Area,
Karnataka, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol: 19 (1), PP 121-128
- N. Nagaraj, K.P. Mangala, H. Chandrashekar and K. Shankar, (2005), Assessing
the Impact of Groundwater Pollution Induced Externalities-A case of Vrishabbavathi
River Basin, Karnataka, Peninsular India, Water and Energy International Vol: 62, (1), PP: 48-60
- M. G. Chandrakanth, A.C. Hemalatha and N. Nagaraj, (2004), Estimation of
Externalities due to Sand Mining in Water streams in affected Riparian
Areas of Karnataka, International Journal of Ecology and Development, Vol: 2, PP: 27-42
- N. Nagaraj, K. Shankar and M, G. Chandrakanth, (2003) Pricing of Irrigation
Water in Cauvery basin – Case of Kabini command, Karnataka, Economic and Political Weekly Vol: XXXVIII, (43), PP: 4518-4520.
- N. Nagaraj, H.Chandrashekar and H.S.Yatheesh (2003). Sustainability and
equity implications of ground water depletion in hard rock areas of Karnataka-
An economic analysis. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 58, No.3, PP: 438-447
- H. Diwakar and N. Nagaraj, (2003), Negative Impacts of Emerging Informal
Groundwater Markets in Peninsular India: Reduced Local Food Security and
Unemployment, Journal of Social and Economic Development, Vol: 5. (1), PP: 90-105
- N. Nagaraj, W. Marshall Frasier and R.K. Sampath, (1999) Groundwater Institutions
in US and India: Sustainable and Equitable Resource Use, Economic and Political Weekly, June 26-July 2, 1999, Vol: XXX1V, pp: A-93-A 104
- N. Nagaraj, (1999). Institutional Management Regimes For Pricing of Irrigation
Water The French Model-Lessons for India, Agricultural Systems. Vol: 61, pp: 199-205
- N. Nagaraj and R.K. Sampath, (1999) A comparative study of institutions
in Western USA and India for water resource management, Water and Energy International, Vol: 56 (4), pp: 54-62
- N. Nagaraj and Chandrakanth, M.G., (1996). Intra and inter-generational
equity effects of irrigation well failures - Farmers in Hard rock areas
of India, Economic and Political Weekly, March 29, 1997, pp: A41-44.
- M. Gireesh, N. Nagaraj and M. G. Chandrakanth, (1997). Rehabilitation of
Irrigation Tanks in Eastern Zone of Karnataka- An Economic Analysis. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 52, No.2, PP: 231-243
- Nagaraj, N. and Chandrakanth, M.G., (1995) Low Yielding Irrigation Wells
in Peninsular India- An Economic Analysis Indian Journal of Agril. Economics, Vol.L pp.47-58.
- Nagaraj, N., Chandrakanth, M.G.and Gurumurthy (1994) Borewell Failure in
Drought Prone Areas of Southern India. Indian Journal of Agril.Economics, Vol.XLIX pp.101 106.
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