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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University



ニーフ・アンドレアス (外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成21年4月1日 - 平成21年8月31日)
“Politics of resource conservation and land allocation in Mainland Southeast Asia”



Participatory approaches in agricultural research, extension and natural resource management
Environmental governance and politics of resource conservation
Knowledge systems and innovation processes, multi-stakeholder knowledge and innovation partnerships
Impact of different land, water and forest tenure regimes on resource management
Payments for environmental services as a tool for poverty alleviation and resource conservation in mountain watersheds


2000-2009: Senior Scientist and Research Coordinator of the Thai-Vietnamese-German Collaborative Research Program “Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia” in Thailand (and Vietnam until December 2001)

1997-2000: Research Fellow at the Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

1999: PhD in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Hohenheim

1996-1997: Research Associate in the Collaborative Research Program “Adapted Farming in West Africa”, University of Hohenheim

1992-1996: Research Associate with the Dept. of Rural Development Theory and Policy, University of Hohenheim


  1. Neef, A. & Thomas, D. forthcoming. Rewarding the upland poor for saving the commons? Evidence from Southeast Asia. International Journal of the Commons 3(1).
  1. Neef, A. 2009. Transforming rural water governance: Towards deliberative and polycentric models? Water Alternatives 2(1): 53-60.
  1. Neef, A. 2008. Integrating participatory elements in conventional research projects: measuring the costs and benefits. Development in Practice 18(4-5): 576-589.
  1. Neef, A. 2008. Lost in translation: The participatory imperative and local water governance in North Thailand and Southwest Germany. Water Alternatives 1(1): 89-110.
  1. Neef, A., Friederichsen, R. & Neubert, D. 2008. Juggling multiple roles or falling between all stools? Insider action research in a collaborative agricultural research program in Southeast Asia. Sociologus No. 1/2008: 55-80.
  1. Neef, A. & Heidhues, F. 2008. Sustainable rural development in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia: The case of Thailand and Vietnam. Geographische Rundschau (International Edition), January 2008: 28-33.
  1. Neef, A., Friederichsen, R., Ekasingh, B., Neubert, D., Heidhues, F. & Dang, N.T. 2007. Participatory research for sustainable development in Vietnam and Thailand: From a static to an evolving concept. In: Heidhues, F. et al. (eds.) Sustainable land use in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia: Meeting the challenges of ecological, socio-economic and cultural diversity. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 353-373.
  1. Neef, A., Heidhues, F., Stahr, K. & Sruamsiri, P. 2006. Participatory and integrated research in mountainous regions of Thailand and Vietnam: Approaches and lessons learned. Journal of Mountain Science 3(4): 305-324.
  1. Sangkapitux, C. & Neef, A. 2006. Assessing water tenure security and livelihoods of highland people in northern Thailand. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 45(4): 377-396.
  1. Neef, A., Hager, J., Wirth, T., Heidhues, F. & Schwarzmeier, R. 2006. Land tenure and water rights in Thailand and Vietnam – challenges for ethnic minorities in mountainous forest regions. Geographica Helvetica 61(4): 255-265.
  1. Neef, A., Chamsai, L. & C. Sangkapitux 2006. Water tenure in highland watersheds of northern Thailand: managing legal pluralism and stakeholder complexity. In: Lebel, L. Jianchu, X. and Contreras, A. (eds.) Institutional dynamics and stasis: How crises alter the way common pool resources are perceived, used and governed. RCSD Monograph Series, Chiang Mai, pp. 64-88.
  1. Neef, A., Elstner, P. Sangkapitux, C., Chamsai, L., Bollen, A. & Kitchaicharoen, J. 2005. Diversity of water management systems in Hmong and Thai communities in Mae Sa watershed, northern Thailand. Mountain Research and Development 25(1): 20-24.
  1. Neef, A. (ed.) 2005. Participatory approaches for sustainable land use in Southeast Asia. White Lotus, Bangkok.