(在職期間:平成22年10月1日 - 平成23年3月31日)
Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation
Microfinance in Myanmar: Potential for Future Growth
- 1974
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Economics Dhaka University, Bangladesh
- 1976
- Master of Arts- Economics Dhaka University, Bangladesh
- 1996
- Certificate of Proficiency Specialization, two Masters’ Economics Papers,
Auckland University, New Zealand
- 2003
- Ph.D (Development Studies) Auckland University, New Zealand
論文業績 (Book)
- Microcredit and Poverty, a book published by Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 2007
論文業績 (Journal Articles)
- Grameen Phase Two: Unlocking The True Potential of Microfinance, The AIUB Faculty Journal, Vol. 1, #3, 2009-10, pp 13-32
- What’s Wrong with Microcredit? The Experience of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh,
The AIUB Faculty Journal, Vol. 1, # 2, 2008-2009, pp.41-52
- Promoting Institutional Innovations in Microfinance: Replicating Theories
is Not Enough, The AIUB Faculty Journal, Vol. 1. # 1, 2008-2009, pp 27-36
- "Prudence and Control: Thoughts on Supervising and Regulating Micro-Credit
Institutions in Bangladesh", in K. Jackson, N.Lewis, S. Adams, &
M. Morten (eds.) Development on the Edge: Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference
of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet). Centre for Development Studies, University of Auckland, Auckland, pp.
160-166, (2005), research paper with Jackson, K.
- Regulation of Microfinance NGOs: General Reflections and the Case of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Rural Management, Vol. 1(1), pp. 45-57, (2005) with Jackson, K.
- Microcredit and Poverty Alleviation: The Need for Quality Financial Services,
Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Vol. XXVII, pp. 195-201, (2004).
- Microcredit and Poverty Alleviation: Smooth Talking on a Rough Road, Discourse: A Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 5(1), pp. 43-59 (2001) with Jackson, K.
論文業績 (Conference Papers Presented )
- Microcredit and Poverty: Making Services Work for Poor People, International Conference for Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido, Japan, July
17-9, 2005
- Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance NGOs by Apex Financial Institution:
Bangladesh as a Case Study’, a Technical report, 4th DevNet Conference, Development on the Edge, CDS Auckland, New Zealand,
December 17-9, with Jackson, K., 2004
- Mirofinance and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh, Research Seminar, Development Studies Centre, Auckland University, New Zealand, September
18, 2003
- Microcredit in the Asia-Pacific Region, Research Seminar, Development Studies Centre, Auckland University, New Zealand, May 14, 2003
- Microcredit and Rural Development in Bangladesh: Microfinance Managers’
International Conference, Pathway, an international microfinance organization, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
July 10, 1998
- Interest rate policy and the demand for loans of the poor in Bangladesh,
Research Seminar, Department of Economics, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, October 11, 1998
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