宋 現鋒(外国人研究員)
(在職期間:平成24年7月1日 - 平成24年12月31日)
Remote Sensing and GIS
Geo-sensor Data Capture, Geo-processing and Geospatial Analysis
Modeling Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Using SWAT
- Professor, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Geoinformatics
- Xianfeng Song, Zheng Duan and Xiaoguang Jiang, Comparison of artificial
neural networks and support vector machines classifiers for land cover
classification in northern China using SPOT-5 HRG image, International
Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(10): 3301–3320.
- Runkui Li, A-Xing Zhu, Xianfeng Song*, Baolin Li, Tao Pei, Chengzhi Qin,
Effects of spatial aggregation of soil spatial information on watershed
hydrological modeling, Hydrological Processes, 2012, 26(9):1390-1404.
- Xianfeng Song*, Zheng Duan, Yasuyuki Kono, Mingyu Wang, Integration of
remotely sensed C factor into SWAT for modeling sediment yield, Hydrological
Processes, 2011, 25(22): 3387-3398.
- Lei Feng, Xianfeng Song*, Yingshi Zhao, Mobile 3D GIS for real-time collection
of field data of road facilities. Journal of the Graduate School of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011, 28(1):27-34.
- Xiaoping Rui*, Xianfeng Song, Yongguo Yang and Yiwen Ju, An effective method
of rendering oil extraction contour under constrained conditions, Mining
Science and Technology, 2011, 21(3):337-342.
- Xianfeng Song*, Venkatesh Raghavan and Daisuke Yoshida, Matching of vehicle
GPS traces with urban road networks, Current Science, 2010, 98(12):1592-1598.
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