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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




拠点大学交流事業 HPへ




  日本側 相手国側
事業主体 日本学術振興会(JSPS) タイ学術研究会議 (NRCT)
拠点大学 京都大学東南アジア研究所 タマサート大学・チュラロンコン大学
実施組織代表者 水野広祐・
Surapon Nitikraipot・
コーディネーター 水野広祐・
Surapon Nitikraipot・
Supan Chantavanich
協力大学 東京大学・東洋文化研究所/社会科学研究所






グローバル化の中でいま大きく変容しつつある東南アジアにおいて、「家族」にどのような変化が見られるのでしょうか。本プロジェクトでは「家族」が東南アジアにおいて、法的、イデオロギー的にどのようなものとして構築されたのか。またその実態はどのようなものなのか。これらの問題を地域、民族、階層などの偏差を考慮しつつ、歴史的に、また比較論的に、考察することを目的とします。 これまでの、「核家族」や「屋敷地共住集団」、「家族圏」の議論は、東南アジアにおける「家族」の特徴として、家族の外延が必ずしも明瞭でなく、二者関係の累積として社会関係のネットワークが家族から外へ広がっていることをあげてきました。しかし、そういった議論は、婚姻や相続を含む家族をめぐる制度とその変遷、その地域差、階級・民族による差異、国家統合との関連など、多くの検討されるべき課題を十分検討することなく行なわれてきたのです。本プロジェクトの目的はこうした現状に鑑み、HIVウィルス感染、少子高齢化、老いなどの問題との関連で、変貌する「家族」をさまざまの角度から、言説と社会学的分析の両面について、分析することにあります。






 本プログラムの成果は、共同研究1と2の研究成果として”After the Crisis, Hegemony, Technocracy and Governance in Southeast Asian”が2005年3月に京都大学学術出版会より出版されました。また、”State, Market, Society, and Economic Cooperation in Asia”が共同研究3の研究報告集として、 “Middle Classes in East Asia”が共同研究4の研究報告集として、そして “Flows and Movements in East Asia” が共同研究5の研究報告集として出版されました。


  1. Seminar on local politics and local administration in Comparative Perspectives between Thailand and Japan
  2. 日 時:平成19年3月27日(火) 13:00〜17:30
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階第1教室(207号)
  4. プログラム:
    Opening session
    Prof. Mizuno Kosuke, Director of CSEAS,Kyoto University
    Prof. Surapon Nitikraipot, The Rector of Thammasat University
    "Intergovernmental reform in Japan"
    Prof.Kengo Akizuki, Kyoto University
    Discussant: Prof. Niyom Ratamarit, Thammasat University
    "Local Administration in Thailand"
    Prof.Taweep Chaisomphob, Thammasat University
    Discussant: Prof. Yoshifumi Tamada, Kyoto University
    "The Status of Central-Local Government Relationship in Thailand : A Case of Tambon Administrative Organization"
    Mr.Wasan Luangpraphat, Kobe University
    Discussant: Dr. Achakorn Wongpreedee, Kyoto University
  5. コーディネーター:
    1.Thammasat University, International Student Service: Ms.Wimonsiri Hemtanon
    2.Kyoto University, CSEAS office: Ms.Miyuki Nakamura
  1. 拠点大学交流事業の共同研究9「アジア国際経済秩序」主催
  2. 日 時:平成19年3月15日(木) 14:00-17:00
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  4. 共 催:「国家・市場・共同体」研究会
  5. Topic:9: "The Asian International Economic Order”Labour-intensive Industrialisation in Southeast Asia
  6. Speaker:
    Professor Porphant Ouyyanont (Sukothai Thammathirat University)
    Dr Mya Than (Chulalongkorn University)
  7. Program:
    14:00 - 15:30
    Porphant Ouyyanont
    "Cheap Labour and the Industrialisation of Bangkok after 1945"
    Dsicussant: Kaoru Sugihara (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
    15:30 - 17:00
    Mya Than
    "Myanmar's Transitional Economy and the Regional Divide"
    Dsicussant: Ikuko Okamoto (Institute of Developing Economies)
  8. Abstract:Professor Porphant Ouyyanont
    This seminar deals with the remarkable industrialisation of Bangkok and the growth of its population after 1945. Equally remarkable is the earlier long period when there was virtually no industrialisation and much of the labour market for industries and services came from migrants from China. After 1945, the Bangkok labour force increasingly came from within the country. What caused these changes? The argument made in this paper is that a fundamental shift took place in the Thai labour market after 1945 as relative earnings in industry and agriculture shifted in favour of the former.
  9. Abstract:Dr Mya Than
  10. Contact:
    Kaoru Sugihara CSEAS, Kyoto University
    tel/fax 075-753-7311
    e-mail sugihara@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
  1. 「日本学術振興会拠点大学交流事業国際ワークショップ「2006年タイクーデターからの東アジア社会政治経済への問いかけ」
  2. 日 時:平成19年3月12日(月)-13日(火)
  3. 場 所:京大会館
  4. 主 催:
  5. JSPS-NRCT Core University Program Workshop
    The Thai Coup d’etat and Post-Authoritarian Southeast Asia
    -The Shifting Balance of Social Powers-
  6. Date:March 12 (Mon.) -13 (Tue.), 2007
  7. Place:
    Kyodai Kaikan
    15-9, Yoshida Kawaramachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8305 Japan
  8. Provisional Program:
    MARCH 12, 2007 (Monday)
    9:00 -
    Opening Remarks Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
    SESSION I: “Neo-Liberal Populism”?: Reassessing Thaksin’s Regime
    Chair: Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)
    • Pasuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University) and Chris Baker
      After the Thai Coup: Prospects for Thailand and South East Asia
    • Akira Suehiro (University of Tokyo)
      The Modernization Framework of the Kingdom of Thailand under the Thaksin Administration: Decision-making System and Reforms of Budget Allocation
    • Nualnoi Treerat (Chulalongkorn University)
      Institutions and Rent Management in Thailand (provisional title)
    • Prapart Pintoptang (Chulalongkorn University)
      State, Populist Policy and the Poor Movements after the Thaksin Regime
    Discussants: Hideo Otake (Kyoto University) ,Yoshifumi Tamada (Kyoto University)
    14:00 -
    SESSION II: “Populism” in Comparative Perspective
    Chair: Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
    • Khoo Boo Teik (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
      The Ends of Populism: Mahathir’s Departure and Thaksin’s Overthrow
    • Hermawan Sulistyo (Indonesian Institute of Science)
      Contestation of Images: Regimes' Populist Imaging in the Politics of Post-Soeharto Indonesia."
    • Kan Kimura (Kobe University)
      Nationalistic Populism in East Asia
    • Hiroshi Matsushita (Professor Emeritus, Kobe University)
      Latin American Populism in Recent Years: A Return from Neo-populism to the Old One?
    Discussants: Ukrist Pathmanand (Chulalongkorn University), Jenn-Jaw Soong (National Cheng Kung Univeristy)
    MARCH 13, 2007 (Tuesday)
    9:00 -
    SESSION III: Social Resistance and Good Governance in Thailand
    Chair: asuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University)
    • Lae Dilokvidhyarat (Chulalongkorn University)
      The Roles of Trade Unions in the Thai Coup and Democratization (provisional title)
    • Somchai Phatharathananunth (Maha Sarakham University)
      Isan Farmers’ Movements under Thaksin
    • Thanet Aphornsuvan (Thammasat University)
      Social Forces and Political Movements in the Muslim South
    Discussants: Shinichi Shigetomi (Institute of Developing Economies), Chris Baker, Chen Pei His (National Chi-nan University)
    14:00 -
    SESSION IV: Social Resistance and Good Governance in East Asia
    Chair: Masaaki Okamoto (Kyoto University)
    • Hetifah Sjaifudian (Akatiga-Centre for Social Analysis)
      Citizen Participation in Post Authoritarian Indonesia What can be learned from the citizen forums?
    • Ricardo Basilio Reyes (Institute for Popular Democracy)
      Social Movements in Post Edosa Era (provisional title)
    • Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
      Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations and Activities
    • Junko Hoshi (University of Tokyo)
      Where Resistance and Policy Meet: the Transition of Community Empowerment in Meinung, Taiwan
    Discussants: Patricio Abinales (Kyoto University) , Khoo Boo Teik (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    Closing Remarks  Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)
  9. Oulline:The Thai Coup d’etat and Post-Authoritarian Southeast Asia -The Shifting Balance of Social Powers- (PDF)
  1. 日 時:平成19年3月8日(木) 16:00〜18:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所共同棟3階セミナー室
  3. プログラム:
    Dr. Yunita Winarto
    “The Persisting and Changing “Family” in Java: Empowering Women, Changing Power Relations?”
    Dr.Sulistyowati Irianto 
  4. “Changing Legal Position of Women in Inheritance Through Dispute Settlement Processes (Case Study among Some Ethnic Groups in Indonesia)
  5. Abstract: Dr. Yunita Winarto
    It is a reality that the rural people all over Java are experiencing significant changes in their life in the recent modernization and globalization era. The rural farmers in villages in Java, such as in Gunung Kidul in the southern part of Yogyakarta, have gradually become part of the larger world, not only through the flow of people and things in and out the village, but also through the flow of ideas and intervened programs from various agencies. The state’s intervention program is one significant aspect that brought some changes in their life. The presentation will discuss and examine the extent to which the involvement of women as the recipients of those programs has been altering the power relations within the so-called ‘family’ in Gunung Kidul region. The Javanese rural women have been actively carrying out their roles in both domestic and economic domains. Yet, in the past or in their “traditional” Javanese norms, women were not quite involved in social-political affairs as “the husband’s friend at the back of the house” or as konco wingking. In the recent years I observed a growth of women’s role as active and creative agents in both economic and social-political arenas of their life. It is thus significant to examine the extent to which the changes of opportunities and circumstances in village life and women’s empowerment due to various kinds of intervention affect their “traditional” roles as Javanese wives and mothers which may further have some implications on the Javanese concepts and institutions of “household and family”. What are the persisting norms and practices despite some changes?
    As an illustration, I will discuss two cases of active and creative women agents in two villages in the regency of Gunung Kidul. Both of them have been exposed to various government programs, including the so-called Farmer Field School in Integrated Pest Management. Some similarities and variations do exist in its implications on “household and family life, their roles beyond the domestic world, and the formation of collective action” in their locales.
  6. Abstract: Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto
    Legal reform in Indonesia indicates that the legal position of Indonesian women in inheritance matters is gradually changing. There is no codification of law govern inheritance in Indonesia. Codified legal authority governing inheritance spreads in several Acts, like the Marriage Act, the Civil Code (valid for the Christian), and the Compilation of Islamic Law, or sharia (valid for the Moslem). There are also many Judge Decisions of the Supreme Court on inheritance cases deal with many ethnic groups in Indonesia. The aim of the proposed research is to examine the shifts in women’s positions in inheritance matters, with a main focus on women belongs to some ethnic groups in Indonesia. It criticises the substance of existing legal references, and challenge how it is applied by the court. It will also problematize women’s access to justice in inheritance disputes. The study thus aims to examine how the changing “inheritance law” and its practice are taking place through the dispute cases.
    The research will be conducted in three phases. The first is a critical analysis of the legal documentation governing inheritance to determine the position and rights of women in these statutes. The second is documentary research which will look at the law cases available in the Supreme Court Documentation and see how judges have interpreted the law in the court room. The comparative perspective will be used by selecting the law cases deal with inheritance among patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral kinship system from various religious background (mainly Moslem and Christian). This third phase is to observe the ongoing court trial. The parties involved in the certain case will be interviewed. The research will be limited to the State Courts located in Jakarta and two nearby districts in West Java (Depok and Bogor). The religious court can be also selected because most of the Moslem settled family dispute in religious court.
  7. 連絡先:速水 洋子  yhayami@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
  1. 日時:平成19年1月12日(金) 15:30〜18:00
  2. 研究会名:拠点大学交流事業特別セミナープロジェクト8「変貌する「家族」」主催 - イサーン(東北タイ)社会における通文化結婚:研究の現状-
  3. 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室 (E207)
  4. 課題:Cross-Cultural Marriages in Isaan Society: State of the Knowledge
  5. 発表者:Professor Yaowalak Apichatvullop (Khon Kaen University)and Professor Patcharin Lapanun (Khon Kaen University)
  1. 日時:平成18年11月14日(火) 13:30〜17:30
  2. 研究会名:特別セミナープロジェクト8「変貌する「家族」」主催-Is the Thai Family Patriarchal?
  3. 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階 E207
  4. プログラム:
  5. 《PartⅠ 13:30〜15:00》
    “Family Law and Consolidation of Modern Thai Version of Patriarchy”
        Dr. Chalidaporn Songsamphan (Thammasat University)
        Junko Koizumi (Kyoto University)
    15:00-15:20    coffee break
    《Part II  15:20〜17:30》
    “Managing Differences in Family Practices of the Karen in Chiang Mai City of Northern Thailand”
        Dr. Kwanchewan Buadaeng (Chiang Mai University)
    “Changing Hmong Families (tentative)”
        Dr. Prasit Leeprecha (Chiang Mai University)
        Yoko Hayami (Kyoto University)
  1. 日時:平成18年10月27日-28日
  2. 研究会名:JSPS/Kyoto University-NRCT/Thammasat University Core University Program Conference 2006 "Emerging Developments in East Asia FTA/EPAs"
  3. 場所:同志社大学、寒梅館ホール
  4. プログラム:詳細 (PDF)
  1. 日時:平成18年7月1日
  2. 研究会名:CSEAS (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) - NIOD (Netherlands Institute for War Documentation) International Workshop: New Perspectives on Chinese Business, Family, and Changing Regimes in Indonesia
  3. 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所
  4. プログラム:詳細 (PDF)