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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University





  1. International Workshop: Authoritarian State, Weak State, Environmental State? Contradictions of Power and Authority in Laos
  2. 日 時:平成25年1月18 - 19日
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室 II(331号室)
  4. Converners:Simon Creak (CSEAS and Hakubi Project) , Keith Barney (Australian National University, formerly CSEAS)
  2. 日 時:平成25年1月17日(木) 13:30 - 17:30
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東棟1階会議室
  4. オーガナイザー:Kok-Boon NEOH(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
  1. International Workshop on Global Powers and Local Resources in Southeast Asia: Impact of International Forces on Local Society and Environment
  2. 日 時:平成25年1月17日(木) 9:00 - 12:40
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室 Ⅱ (331号室)
  4. オーガナイザー:森下明子(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
  5. モデレーター:Jafar Suryomenggolo(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
  1. International Workshop: Disaster and the City: Historical Perspectives from the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan, 1945-2011
  2. 日 時:平成25年1月16日(水) 9:00 - 17:45
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東南亭
  4. オーガナイザー:Loh Kah Seng(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
  1. Kyoto-Cornell Joint International Workshop on Trans-national Southeast Asia: Paradigms, Histories, Vectors
  2. 日 時:平成25年1月11日(金) - 12日(土)
  3. 場 所:京都大学楽友会館
  4. 共催:京都大学東南アジア研究所東南アジアにおける持続型生存基盤研究/科学研究費基盤B「戦後アジアの経済発展の環境史的研究-資源・エネルギー貿易の構造分析を中心に」(代表:杉原薫(東京大学))/the Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University
  1. The 18th Kyoto University International Symposium: Partnering Asian Academics toward Human Security Development
  2. 日 時:平成24年5月24日(木) - 25日(金)
  3. 場 所:Room 105, Maha Chulalongkorn Building, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  1. The Seminar on Integrative and Participatory Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture Development
  2. Dr. Kam Suan Pheng, Senior Scientist of International Rice Research Institute (1994 to 2004) and the World Fish Center (2004 to present) will join CSEAS for 2 months starting on 19th March, 2012 as an API Fellow and carry out research on “Evaluating if integrative and participatory approaches lead to pro‐people andsustainable agriculture development”. In order to exchange ideas and information, we organize the following seminar. Anybody, including graduate students, are welcome.
  3. 日 時:2012年3月26日(月)16:00~18:00
  4. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所共同棟4F会議室
  5. 講 師:Dr. Kam Suan Pheng
  6. 演 題:Systems, integrative and participatory approaches in AR4D: How effective have we been?
  7. 要 旨:An initial attempt at seeking for a more formalized way to evaluate if integrative and participatory approaches do lead to pro‐people and sustainable agriculture development led me to develop a conceptual framework hinged on the Theory of Change that puts targeted research in the broader context of the agriculture development agenda. The framework provided the basis for identifying the tools and measures for evaluating the extent to which learning and empowerment result from the use of participatory research approaches. The evaluation framework was applied to a test case involving the use of participatory approaches for farmer and community involvement in watershed management in northern Thailand.
    While the evaluation of this test case is being done retrospectively for a defined research project, it is argued that the framework may be applicable for forward planning of agricultural research for development (AR4D) programs and projects and the corresponding monitoring and evaluation process.
  1. 第10回京都大学東南アジアフォーラム
  2. 日 時:2012年3月17日(土)8:30~15:00
  3. 場 所:ツインタワーズホテル(バンコク)
  4. テーマ:FLOODS- Lessons learned from Experiences
  5. プログラム:PDF
  6. ポスター:PDF
  1. JSPS Asian Core Program - Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century
    Kyoto Workshop on East Asian Economy : After the Global Financial Crisis in East Asia; Toward a New Model of East Asian Economy
  2. 日 時:2012年3月13日(火)
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館中会議室(332号室)
  4. 共催:生存基盤科学研究ユニット
  5. プログラム:PDF
  6. 趣旨:
  7. The prolonged crisis in Europe and the stagnation of the US economy have made East Asian economies look for new demands and create demands in their own region. The characteristics of big current account surpluses that appeared after the Asian Monetary Crisis in 1998 are now common in this region, with the exception of Vietnam. These characteristics were created by robust growth of exports, especially exports supported by production networks developed within the region. However a big current account surplus leads to a large savings-investment surplus. Another cause of this big gap between savings and investments is the stagnation of investment in the region for a decade after 2000. In China, the savings-investment surplus is related to having consumption levels too small for the scale of the national economy. The large current account surplus in this region was behind the global imbalance that was apparent in 2008, and may lead to currency appreciation that could hurt domestic industry.
  8. Many ideas and measures have been proposed in an attempt to improve the situation. The immediate policy response was to increase government spending, such as spending on public works. However, this time a Keynesian short-term policy is insufficient because the issue is related to structural factors, such as boosting Chinese private consumption or increasing investments. Remedies intended to fill the savings-investment gap with Government spending can lead to long-term chronic budget deficits. Large-scale money supply by central banks with reducing the interest rates should also be a short-term policy. Now is the time to rethink the issue more fundamentally and from a longer-term perspective.
  9. The first idea proposed is to boost the regional markets both for products and for money flows. For example, this could be done by way of establishing an East Asian Community. How do free trade agreements and new systems enhance trade within the region? Attempts to foster an Asian bond market made since 1997 have failed so far, but we need to see a flow of money though both formal and informal networks between people, especially by family businesses expanding their networks.
  10. The second idea is to enhance collaboration to strengthen the production networks in this region, or to implement policies such as supply side policies to enhance or upgrade industrial structures with high value added production capabilities and high-level human resources. This idea may increase the current account surplus, at least in the short term, because of the increase of exports. For this idea, creating regional demands is essential, because of current poor expectations for the European and US markets.
  11. The third idea comes from the observation that so far the East Asian economic model is too export-biased, with undervalued currency, low wages for workers, and low social security levels – an approach labeled "welfare capitalism" that gives priority to productivity. Such a model lowers the levels of consumption, demand, and welfare of the people based on the "dangerous obsession" that lower wage levels and less control over security are necessary to enhance international competitiveness. The third idea emphasizes the importance of internal markets through wage-led profit-led policies accompanied with improvement of social security and improved income distribution.
  12. The global financial crisis impacted on the region because of the sudden loss of exports to US and European markets, and a consequent decrease in demand. Subsequent recovery of the East Asian economies has further enhanced the importance of Inter-Asian markets and economies, and enhanced the inter-reliance of economies in the region.
  13. Here we need measures that will further develop medium-term and long-term regional demands. We can envisage many real needs and necessities among the people of the region. It is important for all of the people to be able to live healthy and secure lives. Natural disaster prevention, hygiene or health related institutions, and social security are all needed by the people. Green development is expected to boost technological innovation, investment, and produce further demands. Job creation by enhancing local industry, or by further development of high tech industry related to regional demands, with extensive forward and backward linkage, can reduce income disparities, boost investment, and lead to further consumption or exports. Innovations oriented towards living healthy and secure lives, green economy oriented innovation and growth, and regional demands induced by Sustainable Humanosphere or similar development may all be alternatives for creating medium- or long-term demands in the region, and for improving the livelihood, environment, and welfare of the people.
  14. As an example, in Indonesia, where there has been significant earthquake damage in recent years, neglected seismic standards can improve the housing stock, and create long-term demand for the construction of safe, privately-financed housing.
  15. We will analyze the East Asian economy following the global financial crisis, examine what measures are taken to boost domestic and regional demands, and investigate how effective these measures are. We further analyze the response of trade, consumption, investment, and currency rates in each country, and we will examine the change of inter-regional trade in East Asia that is replacing a reliance on the US markets. Also, we will discuss an alternative East Asian model that will emphasize living healthy and secure lives, the green economy, and regional demand supported both through institutional frameworks and informal means that will sustain economic growth, and will bring improvements in the welfare of people in this region.
  16. The workshop will be held in Kyoto on March 13, 2012. It will cover South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia and analyze means of collaboration within the region. Papers on China, Vietnam and Japan are included in the proceeding.
  1. 開催日: 2012年1月25日(水)15:00~18:00
  2. 会議名2nd Seminar of "Green and Life in ASEAN: Coexistence and Sustainability in East Asian Connections"
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所・稲盛記念館東南亭
  4. プログラム:
  5. 1. Dr.Kok-Boon Neoh, CSEAS, Kyoto University
     "Termite biology and ecology - Its potential as ecosystem service provider"
  6. 2. Dr. Keith Barney, CSEAS, Kyoto University
      “The Making of an Environmental State in Laos: Comparative Studies in Forest Concession Governance and the Dynamics of Upland Agrarian Transformation”.
  1. 開催日:平成23年12月17日(土)~18日(日)
  2. 会議名:Kyoto-NTU-SYSU Joint International Workshop Plural Coexistence: East Asian Experiences in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛記念館3F中会議室
  1. 開催日:平成23年12月4日(日)~6日(火)
  2. 会議名:G-COE国際シンポジウム2011「持続型生存基盤研究の展開-アジア・アフリカからの発信」
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛記念館3F会議室
  1. 「ライフとグリーンを基軸とする持続型社会発展研究のアジア展開」バイオマス班共同研究セミナー
  2. 日 時: 2011年11月8日(火)15:00-17:00
  3. 場 所: 稲盛財団記念館 3階 中会議室
  4. プログラム
    甲山治(東南ア研) バイオマス班共同研究の主旨説明
    渡辺隆司(生存研) 東南アジアにおける未利用バイオマスの探索と変換プロセスの構築
    Woottichai Nachaiwieng (チェンマイ大学)Utilization of rice husk and its application
    Rudianto Amirta (ムラワルマン大学)Biomass potency in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
    森 拓郎(生存研) インドネシアにおける伝統木造建築の維持とローコストハウスの開発
  1. 開催日:平成23年10月28日(金) - 29日(土)
  2. 会議名:Green and Life in ASEAN: Coexistence and Sustainability in East Asian Connections - The 2nd CSEAS-KASEAS Joint International Symposium
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛記念館3F会議室
  4. 共催:KASEAS, JSPS Asian CORE Program and CSEAS-Kyoto University "Towards Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia"
  5. プログラム:PDF
  6. ポスター:PDF
  1. 開催日:平成23年10月4 - 8日       
  2. 会議名:The 2nd International Workshop On South South Cooperation (SSC) for Sustainable Development in the Three Major Tropical Humid Regions in the World(国際集会・国際シンポジウム)
  3. 場所:プカンバル(インドネシア) 
  4. プログラム:
  5. 発表者:
    1.Kosuke Mizuno, Kazuo Masuda Socioeconomic challenges for sustainable management of a tropical peat land ecosystem and proposal of people’s forest
    2.Hiromitsu Samejima,Motoko S. Fujita, Dendy Sukma Haryadi and Ahmad Muhammadbr> Biodiversity inventory in a peat-swamp area -Mammals & Birds-br>
    3.Kazuo Watanabe, Shuichi Kawai 「Land Use and Biomass on the Peat Swamp Area in The Giam Siak Kecil- Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve」
    4.Haris Gunawan, Shigeo Kobayashi, Kosuke Mizuno, Kono Yasuyuki, Osamu Kozan Peatswamp Forest and Restoration Experiments to Promote the Local Community Livelihood and Ecosystem Services Functions in Riau Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia.
  1. 開催日:平成23年9月30日-10月1日(土)      
  2. 会議名:HSS2011(ヒューマノスフェア・サイエンス・スクール 2011)
  3. 場所:インドネシア・アンボン市(マルク諸島・アンボン島)
  4. 共催:生存圏研究所/インドネシア科学庁生物材料研究開発ユニット/日本学術振興会アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成事業/東南アジア研究所
  1. 開催日:平成23年9月22日      
  2. 会議名:International Workshop “Development, Environment and Socio-political Transformation in South Asia: Diversity and Sustainable Humanosphere in Contemporary Dynamism” (KINDAS & G-COE)
  3. 場所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室 
  4. 共催:京都大学研究拠点現代インド地域研究/東南アジア研究所
  1. 開催日:平成23年9月1日(木)13:00-17:00
  2. 会議名:Workshop of Young Cambodian Researchers “Development and Human Security in Cambodia”
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念会館 小会議室Ⅰ
  4. プログラム:
  5. 13:00-13:10
  6. Opening 13:10-13:35 Heng Molyaneth (Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University) Title: Economic effects of cross-border migration: Analysis on productive investment and consumption of migrant households
  7. 13:35-14:00
  8. Cheng Savuth (Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University) Title: Industry Linkages, Technology Gap, Absorptive Capacity, and Productivity Spillover from Foreign Firms: Evidence from Firms in Cambodia
  9. 14:00-14:25
  10. Sim Piseth (Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University) Title: The Potential of Oil and Gas Industry in Cambodia
  11. 14:25-14:40 Coffee Break
  12. 14:40-15:05 
  13. Ham Oudom (Master course of Anthropology-Sociology, Royal University of Phnom Penh) Title: Access to Education of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia
  14. 15:05-15:30
  15. Uy Saret (Department of Sociology, Royal University of Phnom Penh) Title: Community based Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Changes: Ethnic Cham people in Chong Kneas Commune.
  16. 15:30-15:55
  17. Phon Sovatna (Graduate School of Integral Agriculture and Rural Development) Title: A Study of Farmer Water User Committee (FWCC) of the SCIRIP project, Kampong Thum
  18. 15:55-16:20
  19. Kong Sothea (Graduate School of Integral Agriculture and Rural Development) Title: Study on the present of E.Coli and vibrio in the fresh cultured fish and its fermented products (Nam Sach Trey).
  20. 16:20-17:00 Discussion
  21. 17:00 Closing
  1. 開催日:平成23年3月12日(土)
  2. 会議名:International Seminar in Phnom Penh
  3. 会 場:Seminar room No.5, Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center
  4. プログラム:
  5.  Welcome and Introduction by Dr. Kobayashi Satoru (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
  6. 13:00-13:40
  7.  Dr. Kobayashi Satoru (CSEAS, Kyoto University),
     "Reconfiguration of Cambodian rural community: 1979-2002"
  8. 13:40-14:20
  9.  Dr. Yagura Kenjiro (Hannan University, Osaka)
     "Effects of youth labor migration on the selection of spouse, place of residence and land inheritance in Cambodia"
  10. 14:20-14:30 Break
  11. 14:30-15:10
  12.  Ms. Yoeu Asikin (Lecturer, Royal University of Agriculture)
     "Willingness to pay for the conservation of flooded forest in TonleSap Biosphere preserve, Cambodia"
  13. 15:10-15:50
  14.  Mr. Pinn Thira (Lecturer, Royal University of Agriculture)
     "The effectiveness of vegetable production in farmers livelihood at Wat Chas village, Kampong Cham province"
  15. 15:50-16:30
  16.  Mr. Duk Piseth (Lecturer, Royal University of Agriculture)
     "The study of farmers' attitude towards Stung Chinet irrigation, Kampong Thom Province"
  17. 16:30-16:50 Break
  18. 16:50-18:00 Discussion
     Discussants, Dr. Nathan Badenoch (CSEAS-Hakubi, Kyoto University), Dr.
     Sasagawa Hideo (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
  19. 18:00-18:10
  20.  Summary and Nest Steps by Dr. Kobayashi Satoru (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
  21. Contact: Kobayashi Satoru
  1. 開催日:平成23年1月29日-30日
  2. 会議名:G-COE国際シンポジウム2010"Understanding Global India: The South Asian Path of Development andits Possibilities"
  3. 場 所:京都市国際交流会館 特別会議室
  4. 共催:京都大学研究拠点現代インド地域研究/グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続的の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」
  1. 開催日:平成23年1月18日(火)-19日(水)
  2. 会議名:International Seminar on Radically Envisioning a Different Southeast Asia: From a Non-State Perspective
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
  4. 共催:Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century Asian CORE Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/ Planted Forests in Equatorial Southeast Asia: Human-nature Interactions in High Biomass Society Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)/ In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, Global COE Program, Kyoto University,
  1. 開催日:平成23年1月6日(木)
  2. 会議名:International Seminar on Rural Social Structure in Vietnam at Hanoi
  3. 場 所: Hanoi Paradise Hotel (Hanoi City, Vietnam)
  4. プログラム:
  5.  Koichi Fujita (Kyoto University), “Rural Social Structure in Asia in Comparative Perspective”
    10:10-10:40 Discussions
  6.  Yoshihiro Sakane (Hiroshima University), “Family and Kinship System in Vietnam”
    11:40-12:10 Discussions
    12:10-13:30 Lunch
  7.  Takashi Okae (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan),
  8.  “Discussing Vietnamese Village Based on Yumio Sakurai’s Book ‘The Formation of Vietnamese Village' and others”
    14:30-15:30 Discussions
    15:30-16:00 Business Meeting
    Other participants:
  9.  Masato Hiwatari (Hokkaido University),
  10.  Kei Kajisa (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies),
  11.  Satoru Kobayashi (Kyoto University),
  12.  Akihiko Ohno (Aoyama Gakuin University),
  13.  Sumiaki Iwamoto (Tokyo Agricultural University),
  14.  Tamae Sugihara (Tokyo Agricultural University), and Huu Khanh and other participants from Hanoi Agricultural University.
  15. 共催:グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」/東南アジア研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点
  1. 開催日平成22年12月20日(月)午後4時半~6時
  2. 会議名ASEAN大使団を招いての意見交換会
  3. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室
  4. プログラム:
  5. 司 会:本名純・立命館大学国際関係学部教授
  6. 16:30-16:35
  7. 挨拶:松本紘・京都大学総長
  8. 16:35-16:40
  9. 挨拶:ASEAN常駐代表一行
  10. 16:40-16:45
  11. 趣旨説明:清水展・京都大学東南アジア研究所所長
  12. 16:45:17:15
  13. 基調講演:
  14.  "From East Asia Back to Asia Pacific"
  15. 質疑応答
  16. 17:15-18:00
  17. 意見交換会:
  18.   ASEAN担当大使
      ・H.E. Amb. Pengiran Hajjah Basmillah Pengiran Haji Abbas常駐代表(ブルネイ・ダルサラーム)
      ・H.E. Amb. Kan Pharidh常駐代表(カンボジア)
      ・H.E. Amb. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya常駐代表(インドネシア)
      ・H.E. Amb. Prasith Sayasith常駐代表(ラオス)
      ・H.E. Amb. Hsu King Bee常駐代表(マレーシア)
      ・H.E. Amb. U Nyan Lynn常駐代表(ミャンマー)
      ・Mr. Adrian Bernie C. Candolada常駐代表部一等書記官
      ・Ms. Teo Lay Cheng常駐代表部次席(シンガポール)
      ・H.E. Amb. Manasvi Srisodapol常駐代表(タイ)
      ・H.E. Amb. Vu Dang Dung常駐代表(ベトナム)
       ・H.E. Mr.Sayakane Sisouvong・ASEAN事務局政治・安全保障共同体担当事務次長
  19. 世話役:岡本正明(CSEAS)
  1. 開催日: 平成22年12月17日(金)-18日(土)
  2. 会議名:アジア研究教育拠点事業セミナー「Local Politics and Social Cleavages in Transforming Asia
  3. 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館中会議室(17日)、小会議室Ⅱ(18日)
  4. プログラム:PDF
  1. 開催日:平成22年12月14日(火) 15:00-18:00
  2. 会議名 :International Workshop: Changing Position of India in World Politics and Security
  3. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室
  4. 主 催: KINDAS/グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」イニシアティブ 1 、イニシアティブ 4)
    *KINDAS (Center for the Study of Contemporary India at Kyoto University) was launched on 1 April 2010 with the aim of furthering our understanding of contemporary India through interdisciplinary studies.
  5. プログラム:
  6. 15:00-15:40
  7.  Keynote Speech by Swaran Singh (Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
  8. 15:40-16:15 Discussion
  9. 16:15-16:30 Break
  10. 16:30-18:00 Session: Security Issues of India 
  11.  16:30-16:45
  12.   Hiroki Nakanishi (Ph.D. Candidate, ASAFAS)
  13.   “Rethinking U.S.-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Trade-off between India’s Right of Nuclear Test and Nuclear Cooperation”
  14.  16:45-17:00
  15.   Shiro Sato (Researcher, CSEAS)
  16.   “On the Possibility of Treaty of Non-First Use of Nuclear Weapons between India and China” 17:00-17:15
  17.   Tomoko Kiyota (Ph.D. Candidate, Takushoku University )
  18.   “India’s Arms Procurement Policy: Equilibrium between Requirement of Indigenous Production an Acquisition”
  19. 17:15-18:00 Discussion
  20. 問い合わせ:佐藤 史郎(CSEAS) 
  1. 開催日: 平成22年12月9日-11日
  2. 会議名:G-COE国際シンポジウム2010
  3. 場所:ハノイ(ベトナム)
  4. 共催:グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」イニシアティブ2/GIS-IDEAS学会
  1. 開催日: 平成22年10月20日
  2. 会議名:G-COE国際シンポジウム2010
  3. 場所:リアウ大学(インドネシア)
  4. 共催:グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」イニシアティブ3/リアウ大学
  1. 開催日:平成22年9月24日(金) 14:00-17:00          
  3. 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館中会議室(3階332室)
  4. プログラム:
  5. 14:00-14:10  
  6. Welcome remarks by Prof. Hiromu Shimizu, Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
  7. 14:10-14:50
  9. 14:50-15:30
  10. Presentation #2 Prof. Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem, Visiting Research Fellow PRIME MINISTER VIRATA: THE MAKING AND UNMAKING OF A TECHNOCRATIC REVOLUTION
  11. 15:30-15:40 Break
  12. 15:40-16:20
  13. Presentation #3 Prof. Eduardo Climaco Tadem, Visiting Researcher MARXISM, THE PEASANTRY AND AGRARIAN REVOLUTION IN THE PHILIPPINES
  14. 16:20-17:00 Open Forum
  1. 開催日:平成22年7月23日(金) 9:30~16:10
  2. 会議名:The First Public Forum on Indonesia : Current Political & Economic Trends
  3. 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館 3階大会議室
  4. 主催:在大阪インドネシア共和国総領事館/東南アジア研究所
  5. プログラム:PDF
  6. ポスター:PDF
  1. 開催日:平成22年7月12日      
  2. 会議名:International Workshop on Islamic Economics: Reconsidering the Idea of Islamic Finance
  3. 場所:ダラム大学(イギリス)
  4. 共催:京都大学イスラーム地域研究センター/ダラム大学イスラーム金融プログラム/グローバルCOEプログラム「生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」
  1. 開催日:平成22年7月10日(木) 13:00-18:15        
  2. 会議名:11th Research Meeting for Oil Palm
  3. 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館中会議室(3階332室) 
  4. プログラム:
  5. Part 1 Indonesian Session
    "Politics of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion and the Popular Resistance Movement in West Kalimantan" (by Drs. Abudur Rozaki (Islamic State University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
    "The Relation Dynamic of Small Holder Oil Palm Plantation and The State : The Case Study in North Sumatra - Indonesia" (Drs. YB. Widodo (Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, LIPI, Indonesia)
    Part 2 Malaysian Session
    ”From Natural Forest to Planted Forest: Metamorphoses of a High Biomass Society in Northern Sarawak, Malaysia” (Dr. Ishikawa Noboru, CSEAS)
    ”Resistance and Resiliance of Local Community to the Oil Palm Plantation in Sarawak” (Ms. Kato Yumi)
  1. 開催日:平成22年6月10日      
  2. 会議名:HSS2011(ヒューマノスフェア・サイエンス・スクール 2010)
  3. 場所:ガジャ・マダ大学(インドネシア)
  4. 共催:生存圏研究所/インドネシア科学庁生物材料研究開発ユニット/日本学術振興会アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成事業/東南アジア研究所