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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




  1. 日 時:2005年11月25日(金)16:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2F教室
  3. 発表者:細田尚美(京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
  4. テーマ:
  5. この研究会は原則として奇数月の第三金曜日に開催されます。研究会の案内はメールを通じて行っています。 お知り合いのとくに学部生・院生・若手研究者に、このメールを転送するなどして、案内リストへの参加をお勧めいただければ幸いです。
    また、 「東南アジアの社会と文化」研究会(http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kenkyuukatsudou/syakai-bunka/index.html)のホームページも、どうぞご参照ください
  6. 世話人:
    杉島 敬志(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
    林 行夫(京大東南アジア研究所)
  7. 事務局:
国際公開シンポジウム ”International Symposium on Geo-informatics for Historical Studies in Asia 2005”
  1. 日 時:2005年11月12日(土)〜14日(月)
  2. 場 所:ハノイ
  3. 主催:基盤研究(S)「地域情報学の創出」プロジェクト
  4. 詳細:http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/hgis-hanoi/
  1. 日 時:2005年11月12日(土) 15:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階会議室(E207)
  3. 報告者・報告タイトル:
    ・山本博之 (国立民族学博物館地域研究企画交流センター) 「マレーシア・サバ州における民族概念の諸相」
    ・鳥居高 (明治大学) 「マレーシアにおける開発政策運営と担い手」
  4. この研究会は東南アジア史学会関西地区の活動の一環として開催されるものです。
  5. ご質問等は鬼丸まで。
  6. 世話人:岡本正明、玉田芳史、柳澤雅之、鬼丸武
Special Seminar
  1. 日 時:2005年11月11日(金) 10:30〜12:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階会議室(E207)
  3. 発表者:Pham Tien Dung(Faculty of Agronomy, Center for Agroecological Research andEnvironmental Studies (CARES), Hanoi Agricultural University (HAU))
  4. テーマ:Assessing Changes in an Agricultural System in terms of Sustainability in the Northwestern Mountains of Vietnam
  5. 発表要旨:
    On the point of view of agricultural system, this study was carried out in order to consider of the changes in an agricultural system which is integrated agro ecosystem (the system includes swidden, wet rice cultivation, and exploitation of forest) of a Tay minority community in the time periods of five years in the North-western mountainous region of Vietnam. Based on the data of two surveys (1999 and 2004), the authors have proposed indicator groups and indicators presenting for characteristics of each system’s component for measuring and evaluating them in term of sustainability. Then the integrated evaluation has carried out by radar graph for evaluating of the whole system. Six indicator groups selected are groups that present for Human Capital aspect; Household Assets aspect; Production Activities; Economic Activities; Environment aspect; and aspect of Cultural, Social, and Life. The results have revealed that almost of measurements of the indicator groups and indicators have presented their changes with non-negative trends after five years. And the final integrated evaluation by the radar graph has shown that the diagrams area of the year 2004 is larger than that of year 1999. With this provableness of changes the authors go to conclude that the agricultural system of Tay minority Community in the North-western mountainous region of Vietnam is sustainable while population pressure increasing of 65 persons per square kilometer.
    By this way of evaluating of the system in this study the authors realized that the research results have reflected present state of the system correctly. But the selection of indicators needs to be discussed.
    Above obtained results have only meaningful in the period of time of this research, in order to have more completely conclusions on sustainability of this agricultural system it needs to be evaluated regularly by every period of time later on.
Special Seminar
  1. 日 時:2005年11月7日(月)15:00〜17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階教室
  3. 発表者:エリック・クリスタル(University ofCalifornia at Berkeley)
  5. 発表要旨:
    In l980 several thousand Yao villagers were flown to northern California as part of the American endeavor to support former allies in the Vietnam War. Eric Crystal has worked with the Yao community in Oakland, California (his hometown) for a quarter century. Of the 22,000 Yao flown to America in the l980's none had higher education, less than a dozen had completed high school, and the vast majority were unable to read and write Lao, much less English.
    This presentation will discuss crucial aspects of traditional Yao culture, religion, and expressive arts as observed by Dr. Crystal in highland Southeast Asia (Vietnam) in recent years. Adaptive strategies off U.S. Yao refugees, maintenance of traditional religious beliefs and ceremonies, and the results of engagement with the U,S. educational system will be explored.
    This presentation will be illustrated with photographs in power point format.
  6. エリック・クリスタル先生の略歴:
    Eric Crystal received his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley. Since retiring from his long term position has Vice Chair of the U.C. Berkeley Center for Southeast Asia Studies in 2000 he has continued to undertake research on traditional Southeast Asian culture. Dr. Crystal currently teaches part time for the Group in Asian Studies at Berkeley and the San Francisco Art Institute.
  1. 日 時:2005年11月3日(木)13:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階教室
  3. 発表者・タイトル:
    • 中西 嘉宏(京都大学)
    • 櫻井 雅俊(名古屋大学)
      「インドネシア闘争民主党の組織的特性 −スハルト後の民主化、分権化との関係性に焦点を当てて(仮題)」
    • 山田 裕史(上智大学)
    • 瀬戸 裕之(名古屋大学)
      「ラオスの部門別管理制度における県党委員会および知事の権限に関する一考察 −ヴィエンチャン県工業部にお ける事業形成過程を事例に−」
  4. コメント:岡本 正明(東南アジア研究所)