- 開催日:平成23年9月24日(土)
- 研究会名:第46回バンコク・タイ研究会
- 場所: バンコク連絡事務所
- 報告者:高橋 勝幸 (ウボンラーチャターニー大学教養学部東洋言語文学科講師)
- 論題:「東南アジア連盟」構想:1940年代後半メコン河を挟んだタイ・インドシナの地域主義
- 日 時:2011年9月28日(水) 16:00-17:30
- 場 所:京都大学稲盛記念館3F小会議室Ⅱ
- 発表者:Khuat Thu Hong (Co-Director Institute for Social Development Studies,Hanoi
- タイトル:Negotiating Identities: The Processes of Cultural Adaptation and Re-Adaptation
of Vietnamese Migrants Between Japan and Vietnam and Their Socio-Economic
- 司会:Prof. Yoko Hayami (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
- 要旨:This research focuses on cultural adaptation and re-adaptation of Vietnamese
trainees/interns between Japan and Vietnam, and how these process influence
migration outcomes. Specifically, how Vietnamese migrants negotiate their
national identies with norms/values of the host society and how they use
learnt skills/experiences to improve well-beings of their families and
- Brief Introduction of Khuat Thu Hong:Khuat Thu Hong, PhD. is Co-Director of the Institute for Social Development
Studies (ISDS), an independent research institution in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Hong’s major fields of studies include gender, sexuality, and family. She
is 2011 fellow of the Asian Public Intellectual Program (API) and is currently
hosted by CSEAS, Kyoto University.