Ensuring the safety and security of seafood in globalization: advanced application of epidemiological information of food-poisoning pathogens
Principal Investigator: NAKAGUCHI, Yoshitsugu
Period: FY2013-16
The rate of imported food in Japan has drastically increased by globalization of food supply. On the other hand, actions for the safety and security of food are not enough. According to statistics published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan’s food self-sufficiency ratio was under 40 percent. After the cases involving the safety and security of food were reported, Japanese consumers take an interest in them. In addition, Japan is surrounded by the sea and has opulent fishery resources. The self-sufficiency ratio of fishery product is currently decreasing. Today, the general and scientific knowledge of the safety and security of food and seafood for imported food is limited. Therefore it is imperative issues to prepare the information ensuring the safety and security of food on the consumer public. In this study, I focus on microbiological risks of food-borne pathogen on the imported seafood. Eventually I make the concept of establishment of control policies to prevent the health risks caused by eating them.