Division:Division of Human-Nature Dynamics
Position:Assistant Professor
Area:Biogeochemistry in forests, wetlands, and agricultural fields
E-Mail:itoma [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Research on Material Cycling in Various Ecosystems in Tropical region
- Human Impacts on Material Cycling in Tropical Forests and Peatlands
- Effects of Land Use Changes on River water quality and quantity
Research Overview:
Based on the “Research on Material Cycling in Various Ecosystems in Tropical region”, I have conducted the formation of research hub which are related to human oriented environmental issues in Indonesia and Malaysia. I have also started to conduct the researches with some local counterparts.
In Riau province, Sumatra, Indonesia, I started the biogeochemical research at degraded peatland forest ecosystems for evaluating the difference in environmental condition between various land uses. Also I’m now training the local students about the researches on carbon dioxide exchange between the soil and the atmosphere and the water chemistry in water discharged from peatland area at the CSEAS’s local field stations. I also contributed to sign an agreement for research collaboration with Indonesian Research Institute. This research is supported by JSPS kakenhi (Supporting start for younger researcher.). In Malaysia, I have conducted the researches on Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) dynamics and the river water quality survey of non-peat river water in Peninsular Malaysia. In Taiwan, I’m conducting the collaborative research with Academia Cinica, Taiwan on food-web analyses in Fei-Tsui reservoir which is used for drinking water of Taipei city residence.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
伊藤雅之, 陀安一郎, 永田俊 | 首都の人口増加とそれに伴う河川の水質汚濁 | 2013 |
モンゴル-草原生態系ネットワークの崩壊と再生-. 藤田昇,加藤聡史,草野栄一,幸田良介編.京都大学出版会 453-468 |
Academic Article:
Author Name | Title | Date |
Minamikawa, K., Fumoto, T., Itoh, M.., Hayano, M., Sudo, S., Yagi, K. | Potential of prolonged midseason drainage for reducing methane emission from rice paddies in Japan: A long-term simulation using the DNDC-Rice model | 2014 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils | ||
Itoh, M., Kosugi, Y., Takanashi, S., Kanemitsu, S., Osaka, K., Hayashi, Y., Tani, M., Abdul Rahim, N. |
Effects of soil water status on the spatial variation of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in tropical rain-forest soils in Peninsular Malaysia |
2012 |
Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28, 557-570 | ||
Sakabe, A., Hamotani, K., Kosugi, Y., Ueyama, M., Takahashi, K., Kanazawa, A., Itoh, M. |
Measurement of methane flux over an evergreen coniferous forest canopy using a relaxed eddy accumulation system with tuneable diode laser spectroscopy detection |
2012 |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 109: 39-49 |