Division:Division of Socio-Cultural Dynamics
E-Mail:hau [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Literature and Culture of Southeast Asia (particularly the Philippines)
- Chinese Overseas in Southeast Asia
- Nationalism and Regionalism in East Asia
Research Overview:

Research Publications:
- The Chinese Question: Ethnicity, Nation and Region in and beyond the Philippines. Quezon City, Singapore, Kyoto: Ateneo de Manila University Press, NUS Press, Kyoto University Press, 2014.
- Caroline S. Hau, Katrina P. Tuvera, Isabelita O. Reyes, ed., Querida: An Anthology. Manila: Anvil Publishing, Inc. 2013.
Reviewed in Esquire - 『中国は東アジアをどう変えるか—21っ世記の新地域システム』、白石隆との共著、中央公論社、2012.
- Caroline S. Hau and Kasian Tejapira, ed., Traveling Nation-Makers: Transnational Flows and Movements in the Making of Modern Southeast Asia. Kyoto and Singapore: Kyoto University Press and NUS Press, 2011.
Reviewed in Southeast Asian Studies; AsiaViews - On the Subject of the Nation: Filipino Writing from 1981 to 2004. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2005.
2004 Philippine National Book Award for Literary Criticism - Necessary Fictions: Philippine Literature and the Nation, 1946-1980. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2000.
2000 Philippine National Book Award for Literary Criticism - Intsik: An Anthology of Chinese-Filipino Writing. Manila: Anvil Publishing, 2000. Translated into Chinese as Yin Shu. Manila: Shijie Ribao, 2003.
Reviewed in Philippine Daily Inquirer; The Philippine Star; The Manila Times; Shijie Ribao (World News); Tulay
2000 Philippine National Book Award for the Anthology - All the Conspirators by Carlos Bulosan. Manila: Anvil Publishing, 1998. American edition published by University of Washington Press, 2005, with an Introduction by Caroline S. Hau and Benedict Anderson.
1998 Gintong Aklat Award; Finalist, 1998 Philippine National Book Awar - Teresita Ang-See, Caroline S. Hau, and Joaquin Sy, eds. The Best of Tulay: An Anthology of Chinese Filipino Literature in English, Tagalog, and Chinese. Manila: Kaisa Para sa Kaunlaran, Inc., 1997.
Academic Articles:
- “Privileging Roots and Routes: Filipino Intellectuals and the Contest Over Epistemic Power and Authority,” Philippine Studies 62.1 (2014): 29-65.*
- Richard T. Chu and Caroline S. Hau, Editors, Forum Kritika “Regional Studies on the Chinese Diaspora in the Philippines,” Kritika Kultura no. 21-22 (2013). Online journal: http://kritikakultura.ateneo.net/ (Thomson Reuters Index). Richard T. Chu and Caroline S. Hau, “Region and Microhistory: Writing the Chinese Disapora in the Philippines”*
- Caroline S. Hau and Takashi Shiraishi, “Regional Contexts of Cooperation and Collaboration in Hong Kong Cinema,” Popular Culture Co-Productions and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia, ed. Nissim Otmazgin and Eyal Ben-Ari. Singapore and Kyoto: NUS Press and Kyoto University Press, 2012.
- “Becoming ‘Chinese’ in Southeast Asia,” in Sinicization and the Rise of China: Civilizational Processes beyond East and West, ed. Peter J. Katzenstein. London and New York: Routledge, 2012. 175-206.*
- “Ethnicity, Ideology and the ‘Chinese’/’Mestizo’ Family in the Philippines,” The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia: Institution, Ideology, Practice, ed. Yoko Hayami, Junko Koizumi, Chalidaporn Songsampan, Ratana Tosakul. Kyoto and Bangkok: Kyoto University Press and Silkworm Press, 2012. 227-47* Originally published as “Family Matters: Kinship, Politics, Business, and the “Chinese”/”Mestizo” in the Philippines,” Proceedings of the Core University Program Symposium on “Changing Families,” ed. Yoko Hayami and Junko Koizumi, 1-30. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2009.
- “Regional Contexts of Media Cooperation and Artistic Collaboration in East Asia,” Global Makeover: Media and Culture in Asia, ed. Danilo Araña Arao. Quezon City: Development Center for Asia Africa Pacific and Asian Media and Culture Forum, 2011. pp. 1-10. (International edition 2012).
- “Du Ai, Lin Bin and Revolutionary Flows,” Traveling Nation-Makers: Transnational Flows and Movements in the Making of Modern Southeast Asia, ed. Caroline Hau and Kasian Tejapira. Kyoto and Singapore: Kyoto University Press and NUS Press, March 2011. pp. 153-87.* Originally published as “Du Ai and Revolutionary Flows”, Proceedings of the JSPS-NRCT Core University Program Workshop on Flows and Movements in East Asia. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 95-113.
- “’Patria e intereses’: Reflections on the Origins and Changing Meanings of Ilustrado,” Philippine Studies 59, no. 1 (2011): 3-54.*
- Guest Editor, Philippine Studies Special Issue on “Rizal @150,” vol. 59, no.4 (2011). “Guest Editor’s Introduction” (pp. 425-28)
- Special Issue Editor, Southeast Asian Studies Special Issue on “Colonial Philippines in Transition”, vol. 49, no.3. 2011
- Takashi Shiraishi and Caroline S. Hau, “Only Yesterday: China, Japan, and the Transformation of East Asia,” The Cold War in Asia: The Battle for Hearts and Minds, ed. Zheng Yangwen, Hong Liu and Michael Szonyi, 25-38. Boston: Brill, 2010.*
- Caroline S. Hau and Takashi Shiraishi, “Daydreaming about Rizal and Tetchō: On Asianism as Network and Fantasy,” Philippine Studies 57.3 (2009): 329-88.*
- “Blood, Land and Conversion: ‘Chinese’ Mestizoness and the Politics of Belonging in Jose Angliongto’s The Sultanate,” Philippine Studies 57.1 (2009): 3-48.* Revised version reprinted as “Blood, Land, and Conversion: Mestizoness and the Politics of Belonging in Jose Angliongto’s The Sultanate,” Racial Representations in Asia, ed. Yasuko Takezawa. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2011. 75-92.*
- “The Filipino Novel in English,” Philippine English: Linguistic and Literary Perspectives, edited by Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista and Kingsley Bolton. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008. 317-36.*
- “Cultural Politics of Chineseness,” 華僑華人研究5号 (2008): 1-20.* Also translated into Japanese: 「チャイニーズ像」をめぐる文化政治. 翻訳:山本信人、宮原曉、27-47ページ
- Guest Editor, Philippine Studies Special Issue on “Kyoto’s Emergent Scholarship,” vol. 56 no. 3 (2008). “Editor’s Introduction” (pp. 1-2)
- “Feilübin ‘Huaren Wenti’: Makesi zhuyi de jieshi [‘The Chinese Question’ in the Philippines: A Marxist Interpretation],” Shijie zhi Zhongguo: Yuwai Zhongguo Xingxiangyanjiu [China in the World: The Study of Images of China Abroad] (in Chinese), edited by Zhou Ning, chapter translated by Li Jingke. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, October 2007. pp. 382-404.*
Expanded English version published as “’The Chinese Question’: A Marxist Interpretation,” Marxism in the Philippines: Continuing Engagements, edited by Teresa Tadem, 156-87. Manila: Anvil Publishing and University of the Philippines Third World Studies Center, 2010.* - “Conditions of Visibility: Resignifying the ‘Chinese’/’Filipino’ in Mano Po and Crying Ladies,” Philippine Studies, vol. 53, no. 4 (2005, published March 2006): 491-531.* Revised version published as “Resig(n)ifying the Chinese and Filipino in Cinematic Narratives,” Narrating Race: Asia, (Trans)Nationalism, Social Change, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011. 131-44.*
- “Rethinking History and ‘Nation-Building’ in the Philippines,” Nation Building: Five Southeast Asian Histories, edited by Wang Gungwu. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 39-67.*
- “Nation and Migration: Going Underground in Japan”, Philippine Studies vol. 51no. 2 (2004): 217-255.*
- Caroline S. Hau and Victoria L. Tinio, “Language Policy and Ethnic Relations in the Philippines,” Fighting Words: Language and Ethnic Relations in Asia, edited by Michael E. Brown and Sumit Ganguly (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003).319-49.*
- “The Question of Foreigners: Bai Ren’s Nanyang Piaoliuji and the Re/making of Chinese and Philippine Nationness,” Southeast Asia over Three Generations: Essays Presented to Benedict R. O’ G. Anderson, edited by James T. Siegel and Audrey R. Kahin. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2003. 189-222.* Originally published in Hegemony, Technocracy, Networks: Papers Presented at Core University Program Workshop on Networks, Hegemony and Technocracy, Kyoto, March 25-26, 2002. Edited by Takeshi Hamashita and Takashi Shiraishi. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2003. 17-84.
- “Philippine Literary Nationalism and the Engendering of the Revolutionary Body,” Body Politics: Essays on the Cultural Representation of Women’s Bodies, edited by Ma. Odine de Guzman (Quezon City: University of the Philippines Center for Women’s Studies, 2002).37-79.*
- Aileen Baviera and Caroline S. Hau, “Individual, Ethnic and National Identity in the Age of Globalization: The Case of the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia,” Going Global: Asian Societies on the Cusp of Change. Edited by Armando Malay, Jr. Quezon City: The Asian Center, University of the Philippines, 2001. 10-27.*
- “Firipin Bungaku: Sozo to Sozo no Paretto,” Gendai Firipin wo Shirutame no 60 Sho. Edited by Ohno Takushi and Terada Takefumi. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2001.115-118.
- “Authorising the Personal and the Political in Kerima Polotan’s The Hand of the Enemy,” Tenggara: Journal of Southeast Asian Literature (2001): 81-113.*
- “The Haunting of Asia and Asians,” ‘We Asians’ Between Past and Future, edited by Kwok Kian-Woon et al. Singapore: Singapore Heritage Society and National Archives of Singapore, 2000. 78-97.
- “Toward an Interrogation of Identity and Culture in Philippine Chinese Fiction,” Intercultural Relations, Cultural Transformation, and Identity: The Ethnic Chinese, edited by Teresita Ang See (Manila: Kaisa Para sa Kaunlaran, Inc., 2000). 519-534.
- "On Representing Others: Intellectuals, Pedagogy and the Uses of Error," in Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism. Edited by Paula Moya and Michael Hames-Garcia. California: University of California Press, 2000. 133-170.* First published in Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature, vol. 1, no. 1 (1998).
- “The Cultural and Linguistic Turns in the Writing of Philippine History,” Journal of Commonwealth and Post-colonial Literature, vol. 7 no. 2 (2000): 89-122.*
- "’Who Will Save Us from the Law?’: The Criminal State and the Illegal Alien in Post-1986 Philippines," in Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, Philippines and Colonial Vietnam. Edited by Vicente L. Rafael. Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1999. 128-151.* Originally published as "Kidnapping, Citizenship, and the Chinese," Public Policy: Quarterly Journal of the University of the Philippines, vol. 1, no. 1 (1997), 62-89. Revised versions include: "’Mismanagement of Grief’: Kidnapping the Chinese in the Philippines," in The Likhaan Book of Philippine Literary Criticism in English, edited by J. Neil Garcia and Isabelita O. Reyes (Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2000), 406-429; and “The Criminal State and the Chinese in Post-1986 Philippines,” Geopolitics of the Visible: Essays on Philippine Film Cultures, edited by Rolando B. Tolentino (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2000), 217-241.*
- “Literature, Nationalism, and the Problem of Consciousness,” Diliman Review, vol. 46, nos. 3-4 (1998).* Also reprinted in Filipiniana Reader: An Companion Anthology of Filipiniana Online. Edited by Priscelina Patajo-Legasto. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1998; and Pilipinas: A Journal of Philippine Studies, no. 32 (1999): 23-58.*
- "Alterities of Rupture in Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred," Journal of English Studies, vol. 4, no. 2 (December 1996): 152-169.*
- "Hierarchy and Hybridity in Homi Bhabha’s ‘Signs Taken for Wonders,’" in Critical Forum. Edited by Jaime Biron Polo. Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 1995. 38-45.*
- "Dogeaters, Postmodernism and the ‘Worlding’ of the Philippines," in Philippine Post-Colonial Literary Studies: Essays on Language and Literature. Edited by Priscelina Legasto and Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 1993. 113-127.*
- 2011 First Prize, Fiction Category, Philippines Free Press Literary Award for “Recuerdos de Patay”
- 2005 Manila Critics Circle and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2004 National Book Award for Literary Criticism, On the Subject of the Nation: Filipino Writings from the Margins 1980-2004
- 2001 Manila Critics Circle and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2000 National Book Award for Criticism, Necessary Fictions: Philippine Literature and the Nation
- 2001 Manila Critics Circle and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2000 National Book Award for the Anthology, Intsik: An Anthology of Chinese Filipino Writing
- 2000 Book Development Association of the Philippines, Gintong Aklat (Golden Book) award for Literature for Carlos Bulosan’s All the Conspirators (ed. C. Hau)
- 1998 Lauriston Sharp Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work and Dissertation, Cornell University Southeast Asia Program
- 1998 Second Prize, Fiction Category, Philippines Free Press Literary Award for “The True Story of Ah To”
- 1995 Liu Memorial Award for Academic Excellence, Cornell University
- 1990 Summa cum laude and University Valedictorian, Class of 1990, University of the Philippines (U.P.)
- 1990 University of the Philippines Alumni Association Most Outstanding Graduate of 1990
- 1990 U.P. College of Arts and Letters Most Outstanding Graduate of 1990
- 1990 First Prize, Fiction in English category, U.P. National Writers Workshop Likhaan Award for “Grief”
Contributions and Collaborations with other Institutions:
- Member, Advisory Board, BANWA (Multidisciplinary Journal of the University of the Philippines Mindanao), 2014
- Member of the International Advisory Board, Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia (ISEAS Singapore), 2013-2014
- Member, International Advisory Board, Pingkian: An Ejournal for Emancipatory and Anti-Imperialist Education (Contend-ILPS, Philippines, NGO group)
- Executive Committee Member, Becker Prize for Excellence in the Work of Translation in Southeast Asian Studies, Association of Asian Studies (AAS), USA
- Editor, Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto University), Japan
- Member, Editorial Board, TRaNS (Sogang University), South Korea
- Member, Editorial Board, Language, Culture, and Communication in Asia (De La Salle University), Philippines
- Member, Editorial Board, Philippine Studies (Ateneo de Manila University), Philippines
- Member, Editorial Board, Asian Studies (University of the Philippines), Philippines
- Member, Board of Editors, Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society (University of San Carlos), Philippines
- Senior Editor, Manila Review (currently under preparation), Philippines
- Workshop Director, 2004 Asian Public Intellectuals Workshop, Japan