Division:Division of Integrated Area Studies
Area:Southeast Asia, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Gender, Ethnicity, Religion
E-Mail:yhayami [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Religion and Ethnicity among Minorities in Thailand and Myanmar Upland-Lowland Relationship in Mainland Southeast Asia Gender, Family and Social Change in Southeast Asia
Research Overview:
- My research interests have evolved since I began research among the Karen in the Northern Thai hills two decades ago on religion, ethnicity and gender. Changes in my orientation, in the discipline of anthropology and in the region itself have constantly demanded me to reframe my understanding. My focus has gradually widened spatially and temporally from the time of Burma’s colonization and Thailand’s modern nation-building to national policies under the Cold War, and subsequently in the age of globalization, how have the everyday life of the people in the region been transformed? I have also been conducting research on both sides of the Thai-Burma border, looking at religious practices among the Karen since colonial times. I am pursuing two major topics across the Thailand-Myanmar border: the ethno-religious movements among the Karen; and the domestic sphere as a locus of cultural reproduction amid experiences of ethnic conflict as well as cross-border mobility for labor and refuge. Through these topics, have attempted to reconsider modernist frameworks for “family,” “ethnicity” and “religion. More recently, however, I have also turned from looking at minority ethnic groups specifically as my subject, to foregrounding the changes in the wider region and locating the minorities within a larger picture. In this effort, I have only recently launched research on the changing intimate sphere in Southeast Asia and the topic of care, looking at both institutional as well as on-the-ground practice of care, towards a more comprehensive, wider and deeper understanding of the region.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
速水洋子・西真如・ 木村周平(共同編著) |
『人間圏の再構築:熱帯社会の潜在力』(講座生存基盤第三巻) | 2012 |
京都大学学術出版会 | ||
速水洋子・小泉順子・ Ratana Tosakul・ Chalidaporn Songsamphan共同編著 |
2012 The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia: Institution, Ideology and Practice | 2012 |
Silkworm Press and Kyoto University Press | ||
速水洋子 | 差異とつながりの民族誌 北タイ山地カレン社会の民族とジェンダー | 2009 |
世界思想社 |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
速水洋子 | “Pagodas and Prophets: Contesting Sacred Space and Power among Buddhist Karen in Karen State” |
2011 |
Journal of Asian Studies 70:4:1083-1105. | ||
速水洋子 | 序 親子から生のつながりを問い直す ≪特集≫親子のつながり―人類学における親族/家族研究再考 |
2011 |
文化人類学 75:4:483-493. | ||
速水洋子 | Introduction: Redefining Otherness from Northern Thailand: Notes Towards Debating Multiculturalism in the Region |
2007 |
東南アジア研究 44(3):250-274. |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
The Social Bases of Care in Southeast Asia: Study of the Dynamism of Practice Based on Relatedness. Grant-n-Aid Funding (A) |
HAYAMI, Yoko | 2013 - 2015 |
Research Summary: This project aims to find out on what social bases care is practiced in Southeast Asia, with special attention to various forms of relatedness, both new and old. The argument on care and social se [ Read More ] |
Comparative Area Study on Healthcare Designs for the Community-Dwelling Elderly Associated with Ecology and Culture Grant-n-Aid Funding (A) |
MATSUBAYASHI, Kozo | 2011 - 2014 |
Research Summary: Elderly persons living a satisfying , purposeful later life followed by a peaceful death: this is the ideal, but it poses a challenges as to whether we are able to create a society in which this can b [ Read More ] |