Division:Division of Socio-Cultural Dynamics
Area:area studies, cultural anthroplogogy
E-Mail:shimizuh [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Resiliency of indigenous communities in a remote area against globalization.
- Socio-cultural history of Yokosuka City under the shadow of the US Naval Base.
Research Overview:
- One of my research topics is the resiliency of indigenous communities in a remote area against globalization. Almost every year since 1997 I have visited Hapao village with 350 households and surrounding areas in Ifugao province of northern Luzon to study people-initiated projects of reforestation, cultural revitalization,and socio-economic development. Anthropologically, the Ifugao are well known not only for magnificent rice terraces, which were inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a living cultural heritage in 1995, but also for customary laws, myths and rituals, woodcarving production, and so forth. Today more than 100 villagers among have been abroad to work as domestic helpers and care givers. Hapao is located at the center of a mountainous area where the main force of the Japanese army led by the commander in chief General Yamashita entrenched itself in the final phase of the World War II. Mr. Lopez Nauyac, a native intellectual and the president of a small NGO (Ifugao Global Forest City Movement) in Hapao, insisted that world peace finally descended on Hapao at the cost of villagers’ suffering and death, and he succeeded in obtaining funds for his projects from several Japanese agencies including JICA. The total amount exceeds 70 million yen. I am very much interested in the signifying practice of Mr. Nauyac as well the global connections of villagers.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
清水展 | 草の根グローバリゼーション:世界遺産棚田村の文化実践と生活戦略 | 2013 |
京都大学学術出版会、pp.468+ iv +写真4頁 | ||
清水展 | 噴火のこだま:ピナトゥボ・アエタの被災と新生をめぐる文化・開発・NGO | 2003 |
九州大学出版会、pp.354 + iv +写真16頁 | ||
SHIMIZU Hiromu | The Orphans of Pinatubo: Ayta Struggle for Existence, | 2001 |
Manila: Solidaridad Publishing House, pp.388. |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
清水展 | 「応答する人類学」 | 2014 |
山下晋司(編)『公共人類学』岩波書店 | ||
清水展 | 座談会 「ASEAN統合二〇一五ビジョンと日本のASEAN研究の課題 (総特集 ASEAN諸国における健康と環境 : 草の根からの共同体実現にむけて) |
2013 |
『地域研究 13(1)』第13巻1号京都大学学術出版会 | ||
清水展 | 自然災害と社会のリジリエンシー(柔軟対応力): ピナトゥボ山大噴火(1991)の事例から『創造的復興』を考える |
2012 |
佐藤孝宏・他(編)『生存基盤指数:人間開発指数を超えて』京都大学学術出版会 |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
Ethnographic Studies on Creative Rehabilitation from Natural Desasters Grant-n-Aid Funding (B) |
SHIMIZU, Hiromu | 2012 - 2015 |
Research Summary: This project is composed of nine members from different disciplines ranging from anthropology, sociology, history, area studies, public health to civil engineering, who have long experiences of resear [ Read More ] |