FUJITA, Koichi


Division:Division of Economic and Political Dynamics



E-Mail:kfujita [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp



Research Interests:

  1. Comparative Study among Asia on Rural Social Structure and Economic Development
  2. Agricultural and Rural Development Policy in Myanmar

Research Overview:

    Besides doing agricultural and rural development policy research through JICA, I have been doing a comparative study among Asia on how rural social structure formulated historically affacted the development path of each country/region. The former includes topics such as rice policy, rural credit policy, land policy, rubber industry development policy, and so on. The latter is a more comprehensive and foundamental research topic for me, which has been conducted through a Grant-in-Aid Project, targeting China, Korea, Taiwan, the philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, by involving several researchers in Hokkaido University, Tohoku Univeristy, Aoyamagakuin University, Hiroshima Shudo Univeristy, etc. So far, we have obtained some important achievement on the Red River Delta of Vietnam and the ultimate purpose of the project as a whole is to show to the world academics a necessity of converting research paradigm on rural financial market and policy in developing countries. In the future, I am intending to develop the research to a bigger area study including China, mainland Southeast Asia and India, in which Japan should be rightly positioned.

Research Publications:

Author Name Title Date
Koichi Fujita and Keiko Sato Microfinance, Risk-taking Behaviour and Rural Livelihood 2014
SHGs for Poverty Alleviation? Insights from a Tamil Nadu Village under Rapid Economic Development, pp.69-85
藤田幸一・佐藤慶子 新興アジアの貧困削減と制度 2014
藤田幸一 アジア新・新興国戦略 2013
バングラデシュ政治・経済の現状と投資環境、政策動向, pp. 22-47


Academic Articles:

Author Name Title Date
Koichi Fujita Growth and Stagnation of Agriculture in Eastern India and Bangladesh 2013
The Brown Journal of World Affairs, pp. 179-190
(M. ジェガディーサン)
ティルプルの出稼ぎ労働者 2012
アジ研ワールドトレンド, 212号, pp. 23-26


Research Project :

Project Name
[Grant Organization]
Project Leader Period
Towards Paradigm Shift on Asian Agricultural Finance Research: Regional Comparative Study Focusing on Differences in Rural Social Structure
Grant-n-Aid Funding (B)
FUJITA, Koichi 2012 - 2015
Research Summary
This research aims at conducting a regional comparative analysis on performance of agricultural/rural institutional finance in major parts of Asia. It consists of historical research of agricultural f [ Read More ]
