Division:Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
Area:Economic policy, Agronomy, Area studies
E-Mail:mizuno [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Research Interests:
- 民主化・地方分権化下のインドネシアにおける住民組織や労働組織と制度変化および発展の諸関係
- 生存基盤持続的発展や、多層的地域発展による、ポスト権威主義輸出指向工業化の東アジア発展モデルの構築と、生存基盤持続型発展から見たインドネシア経済長期発展論の再構築
- 西ジャワ・インドネシア・東南アジア経済発展における小営業と在来的発展
Research Overview:
- 東南アジア地域を制度と組織から捉え、具体的な問題群を、問題に適応した形で、自然資源、技術、歴史、政策を組み込んで分析し、その際、土地、労働、資本に特に注意を加えることで、地域の特性を明らかにし、同時に、地域間の比較を可能にする作業を継続している。
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
川井秀一, 水野広祐, 藤田素子 編 | 『講座 生存基盤論 第4巻 熱帯バイオマス社会の再生-インドネシアの泥炭湿地から-』 |
2012 |
京都大学学術出版会,427頁 | ||
Mizuno Kosuke, Pasuk Phongpaichit | Populism in Asia, Kyoto CSEAS Series on Asian Studies Volume 2 | 2009 |
National University of Singapore Press, Kyoto; Kyoto University Press, 2009, 228p. | ||
Mizuno Kosuke; Indrasari tjandraningsih; and Rani Herawati. |
Direktori Serikat Pekerja/ Serikat Buruh Indonesia. Bandung, Indonesia: (Directory of Trade Unions in Indonesia), |
2007 |
Akatiga Pusat Analisis Sosial/Kyoto, Japan: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. 575p. |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
Mizuno Kosuke, Sugiah Machfud Mugniesyah, Ageng Herianto, Hiroshi Tsujii | “Talun-Huma, Swidden Agriculture, and Rural Economy in West Java, Indonesia,” | 2013 |
Southeast Asian Studies,Vo.2, No. 2 (August 2013) pp.351-381 | ||
Haris Gunawan, Shigeo Kobayashi, Kosuke Mizuno, and Yasuyuki Kono. | Peat swamp forest types and their regeneration process in Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Riau, East Sumatra, Indonesia, | 2012 |
Mires and Peat Journal Vol. 10, 1-18 | ||
Mizuno, Kosuke, Haris Gunawan, | Conservation of peat bog and agroforestry in Indonesia | 2011 |
Takamitsu Sawa et al. ed., Achieving Global Sustainability: Policy Recommendations, UN University Press, pp.162-174 |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
Planted Forests in Equatorial Southeast Asia: Human-nature Interactions in High Biomass Society Grant-n-Aid Funding (S) |
ISHIKAWA, Noboru | 2010 - 2015 |
Research Summary: The tropics have the highest potentiality to reproduce biomass due to greater solar radiation and active heat and water cycle. The region has also been the most fertile ground for bio-resource commodi [ Read More ] |
A Study on Regional Sustainable Humanosphere in Indonesia Based on Long-term Data and Field Work 基盤研究(B) |
MIZUNO, Kosuke | 2011 - 2014 |
Research Summary: The “Comal Project” had been conducted in 1990-92 to understand the long-term social changes taken place in northern coastal area in Central Java with the way to compare the extensive data of 1904 sho [ Read More ] |