Division:Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
Area:Area Studies, Political Science
E-Mail:okamoto [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Political Economy of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion Urban Politics in Southeast Asia
Research Overview:
- A. My interest is on the political-economy logic behind the radical expansion of oil palm plantation in Southeast Asia and the pro and cons discourse around this expansion. B. My interest is on the dynamism of urban politics in Southeast Asia where more than half of the total population will live in urban areas in the near future. The facal point is the interconnectedness between the social cleavages and their local politicization.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
Ota Atsushi, Okamoto Masaaki and Ahmad Suaedy eds. | Islam in Contention: The Rethinking of Islam and State in Indonesia. | 2010 |
Jakarta: CSEAS, CAPAS and Wahid Institute. x+468p | ||
Okamoto Masaaki and Abdur Rozaki eds. | Kelompok Kekerasan dan Bos Lokal di Indonesia Era Reformasi | 2006 |
Yogyakarta: IRE Press. xxii p.+161p. |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
Okamoto Masaaki and Honna Jun | Introduction: “Local” Politics in Jakarta: Anomaly from Indonesia’s Local Politics? | 2014 |
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Studies, Vo. 33, No. 1, 3-6 | ||
Okamoto Masaaki | Jakartans, Institutionally Volatile | 2014 |
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Studies Vo.33, No.1, 7-28 | ||
岡本正明 | 「インドネシアにおけるイスラーム主義政党の脱モラル化」 | 2014 |
小杉泰編『環インド洋地域における宗教復興・テクノロジー・生命倫理』(京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属イスラーム地域研究センター・同附属現代インド研究センター)、75-86頁 | ||
岡本正明、砂原庸介、籠谷和弘、永井史男、ワフユ・プラスティアワン | 「インドネシア地方自治体エリートサーベイ調査」 | 2014 |
『法学雑誌』(大阪市立大学)第60巻第2号、1−40頁 | ||
岡本正明 | 「環境にやさしいアブラヤシ農園というディスコースの誕生:インドネシアのアブラヤシ農園拡大戦略から」 | 2014 |
『地域研究』14巻1号、238-263頁 |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
In the making Grant-n-Aid Funding (B) |
MIENO, Fumiharu | 2013 - 2016 |
Research Summary: [ Read More ] |