Division:Division of Human-Nature Dynamics
Area:Geriatrics, Neurology, Public Health, Health Science, Area Study, Field Medicine
E-Mail:kmatsu [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Comparative Area Study on Health of the Community-Dwelling Elderly from the standpoints of Ecology and Culture
- Study on Neurodegenerative Diseases in New Guinea
- Study on Human Aging and Diseases in Elderly Highlanders.
Research Overview:
- Based on longitudinal comprehensive geriatric assessment and intervention for community-dwelling elderly in Japan, I am carrying out comparative area study on human aging and diseases from the standpoints of ecology and culture in Asian countries to establish health care design for elderly optimal to each area. I am also carrying out studies on neurodegenerative diseases in New Guinea and study on human aging and diseases of elderly highlanders.
Research Publications・Academic Articles
- Matsubayashi K, Shimada K, Otsuka K, Ozawa T. Saito A, Nakashima M: Autonomic nervous system function at high altitude, 1988; 279-283 (Ueda G, Kusama S, Voelkel NF. High Altitude Medical Science, Shinshu University Press, Matsumoto).
- Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T, Shio H, Matsuda M, Kameyama M, Murai A, Miyahara T, Fujimoto N, Saito A, Li Shuping: Platelet aggregability at high altitude. Proc Sino-Japanese Joint Scientific Symposium. Tibetan Plateau, 1989; Vol II: 25-30.
- Matsubayashi K, Saito A, Li Shuping, Ozawa T, Murai A, Miyahara T, Matsuda M, Fujimoto N, Shio H, Kameyama M: Hematocrit, serum pids and apolipoproteins of Japanese high altitude climbers and Tibetan highlanders. Proc Sino-Japanese Joint Scientific Symposium. Tibetan Plateau, 1989; Vol II: 17-24.
- Saito N, Noda K, Yamasaki Y, Matsubayashi K, Okada T, Nishiyama S: Cataracta in hypertensive rats, 1992; 413-415 (Sassard J. Geriatric Hypertension. John Libbey Eurotext Ltd. London).
- Matsubayashi K and Okumiya K: Ageing, Diseases and Ecology. Ecological destruction, health, and development, 2004; 351-365, ed by Furukawa Hisao, Nishibuchi Mitsuaki, Kono Yasuyuki, Kaida Yoshinori, Kyoto Univeresity Press.
- Matsubayashi K: Demographic transition and the elderly. In An Illustrated Eco-history of the Mekong River Basin (ed by Akimichi T), White Lotus, 2009; 118-120.
- Matsubayashi K: How did people come to live in the highlands? –Physiological and evolutionary adaptation perspectives- In Aging, Diseases and Health in the Himalayas and Tibet: Medical, Ecological and Cultural Viewpoints (ed by Okumiya K), Rubi Enterprise (Dhaka), 2014, 17-31.
- Matsubayashi K: Aging, Diseases, Death and Purpose of Life in Qinghai-Common Ground for the Agricultural Han and the Herding Tibet- In Aging, Diseases and Health in the Himalayas and Tibet: Medical, Ecological and Cultural Viewpoints (ed by Okumiya K), Rubi Enterprise (Dhaka), 2014, 143-170.
Original Article
- Kawamura J, Matsubayashi K, Ogawa M: Hadju-Cheney syndrome. Report of a non familial case. Neuroradiology, 1981; 21: 295-301.
- Kawamura J, Matsubayashi K, Fukuyama H, Kitanaka H: Paired anterior spinal arteries in a case of locked-in syndrome. Neuroradiology, 1981; 22: 107-110.
- Matsubayashi K, Fukuyama H, Akiguchi I, Kameyama M, Imai H, Maeda T: Localization of monoiamine oxidase (MAO) in the rat peripheral nervous system- Existence of MAO-containing unmyelinated axons. Brain Res, 1986; 368: 30-35.
- Shimada K, Ogura H, Sadakane N, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T: Within-visit blood pressure changes in outpatient clinic. Hypertension, 1987; 10: 465- 66.
- Oka N, Akiguchi I, Matsubayashi K, Kameyama M, Maeda T, Kawamura J: Density of sympathetic nerve terminals in human superficial temporal arteries: Potassium permanganate fixation and monoamine oxidase histochemistry. Stroke, 1987; 18: 229-233.
- Akiguchi I, Ino T, Nabatame H, Udaka F, Matsubayashi K, Fukuyama H, Kameyama M: Acute-onset amnesic syndrome with localized infarct on the dominant side. Comparison between anteromedial thalamic lesion and posterior cerebral artery territory lesion. Jpn J Med, 1987; 26: 15-20.
- Shimada K, kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T: Histidine-rich glycoprotein does not interfere with interactions between anti-thrombin III and heparin-like compounds on vascular endothelial cells. Blood, 1989; 73: 191-193.
- Fujimoto N, Matsubayashi K, Miyahara T, Murai A, Matsuda M, Shio H, Suzuki H, Kameyama M, Saito A, Li Shuping: The risk factors for ischemic heart disease in Tibetan highlanders. Jpn Heart J, 1989; 30: 27-34.
- Otsuka K, Kitazumi T, Matsubayashi K, Kawamoto A, Sadakane N, Chikamori T, Kuzume O, Shimada K, Ogura H, Ozawa T: Age-related alterations in the circadian pattern of blood pressure. Am J Nonivas Cardiol, 1989; 3: 159-165.
- Kawamoto A, Shimada K, Matsubayashi K, Chikamori T, Kuzume O, Ogura H, Ozawa T: Cardiovascular regulatory functions in elderly patients with hypertension. Hypertension, 1989; 13: 401-407.
- Shigematsu K, Akiguchi I, Oka N, Kamo H, Matsubayashi K, Kameyama M, Kawamura J, Maeda T: Monoamine oxidase-containing nerve fibers in the major cerebral arteries of rats. Brain Res, 1989; 497: 21-29.
- Saito N, Matsubayashi K, Noda K: Retinal artery and cataracta in SHR. Jpn Heart J, 1989; 30: 576-576.
- Shimada K, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T: Silent cerebrovascular disease in the elderly. Correlation with ambulatory pressure. Hypertension, 1990; 16: 692- 699.
- Saito N, Okada T, Moriki T, NIshiyama T, Matsubayashi K: Long-term drinking of MgCl2 solution and arterial lesions in female SHRSP. Atherosclerosis II, 1990; 598: 527-529.
- Shimada K, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Chikamori T, Kuzume O, Ozawa T: Effects of long-term treatment with low doses of Carteolol on cardiovascular regulatory functions in elderly patients with mild hypertension. Clin Ther, 1990; 12: 118-124.
- Shimada K, Ogura H, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Ishida H, Ozawa T: Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring during clinic visit in elderly hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Hypertens, 1990; A12: 151-170.
- Kawamoto A, Shimada K, Matsubayashi K, Nishinaga M, Kimura S, Ozawa T: Factors associated with silent multiple lacunar lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in asymptomatic elderly hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol, 1991; 18: 605-610.
- Iwata J, Oka T, Furihata M, Sonobe H, Matsubayashi K, Uemura Y, Miyoshi I, Otsuki Y: Characterization of two human lymphoid cell lines producing human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) isolated from patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy or encephalopathy. Arch Virol, 1991; 118: 101-112.
- Matsubayashi K, Shimada K, Kawamoto A, Ozawa T: Incidental brain lesions on magnetic resonance imaging and neurobehavioral functions in the apparently healthy elderly. Stroke, 1992; 23: 175-180.
- Shimada K, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Nishinaga M, Kimura S, Ozawa T: Diurnal blood pressure variations and silent cerebrovascular damage in elderly patients with hypertension. J Hypertens, 1992; 10: 875-78.
- Saito N, Okada T, Moriki T, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T: Periarteritis nodosa in the mesenteric artery of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertesive rats. J Jpn Atheroscler Soc, 1991; 19: 277-285.
- Shimada K, Ozawa T, Matsubayashi K: Dependency of the aged in the community. Lancet, 1993; 342: 1241-1241.
- Shimada K, Kawamoto A, Matsubayashi K, Nishinaga M, Kimura S, Ozawa T: Silent cerebrovascular disease and ambulatory blood pressure in the elderly. Hypertens Res, 1994; 17 (Suppl I): S55-S58.
- Saito N, Matsubayashi K, Okada T, Nishiyama S, Shirota M, Yagyu K, Konishi Y, Takatsuji H, Enzan H, Furuya M: Cardiovascular and the other various events complicated in the long-term breeding of rats. Jpn Heart J, 1995; 347: 529-529.
- Osaki Y, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Doi Y: Polyneuritis cranialis due to varicella-zoster virus in the absence of rash. Neurology, 1995; 45: 2293-2294.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Secular improvement in self-care independence of old people living in community in Kahoku, Japan. Lancet, 1996; 347: 60-60.
- Osaki Y, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Doi Y: Does surge in blood pressure precede or follow stroke? Lancet, 1996; 347: 472-473.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Kimura S, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Effects of exercise on neurobehavioral function in community- dwelling older people more than 75 years of age. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1996; 44: 569-572.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Maeda T, Fujimiya M: Changes in subcellular localization of gastrin like immunoreactivity in epithelial cells of rat duodenum induced by carbacol. Peptides, 1996;17: 225-232.
- Wada T, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Kimura S, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Serum cholesterol levels and cognitive function assessed by P300 latencies in an older population living in the community. J Am Geriatr Soc , 1997; 45: 122-123.
- Okabayashi J, Matsubayashi K, Doi Y, Sato T, Ozawa T: Effects of nifedipine and enalapril on cardiac autonomic nervous function during the tilt test in elderly patients with hypertension. Hypertens Res, 1997; 20: 1-6.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Cognitive and functional status of the Japanese oldest old. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1997; 45: 385-386.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Home-blood pressure control in Japanese hypertensive population. Lancet, 1997; 350: 290-91.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Nakamura T, Fujisawa M, Osaki Y: Global burden of disease. Lancet, 1997; 350: 144-144.
- Osaki Y, Matsubayashi K, Doi Y: UKH syndrome. Neurology, 1997; 48: 545-545.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Ozawa T: J-curve relation between blood pressure and decline in cognitive function in older people living in community, Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1997; 45: 1032-1033.
- Ishikawa H, Tanaka H, Saito M, Ohkoshi N, Fujita T, Yoshizawa K, Ikeuchi T, Watanabe M, Hayashi A, Takiyama Y, NIshizawa M, Nakano I, Matsubayashi K, Miwa M, Shoji S, Kanazawa I, Tsuji S, Mizusawa H: Japanese families with autosomal dominant pure cerebellar ataxia map to chromosome 19p13.1-p13.2 and are strongly associated with mild CAG expansions in the spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 gene in chromosome 19p13.1. Am J Hum Genet, 1997; 61: 336-46.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Postural dysregulation in systolic blood pressure is associated with worsened scoring on neurobehavioral function tests and leukoaraiosis in the older elderly living in a community. Stroke, 1997; 28: 2169-2173.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi Y: Quality oflife of old people living in the community. Lancet, 1997; 350: 1521-1522.
- Matsubayashi K: Sex and examination results. Lancet, 1997; 350: 1711-1711.
- Wada T, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Kimura S, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Ozawa T: Lower serum cholesterol level and later decline in cognitive function in the older people in community. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1997; 45: 1411-1412.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi, Ozawa T: Improvement in self-care independence may lower the increasing rate of medical expenses or community-dwelling older people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1998; 46: 1484-1485.
- Osaki Y, NIshino I, Murakami N, Matsubayashi K, Tsuda K, Yokoyama Y, Morita M, Onishi S, Goto Y, Nonaka I: Mitochondrial abnormalities in selenium-deficient myopathy. Muscle & Nerve, 1998; 21: 637-639.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Nakamura T, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi Y, Ozawa T: The timed "Up & Go" test is a useful predictor of falls in community-dwelling older people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1998; 46: 928-929.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi Y: Frailty in elderly Japanese. Lancet, 1999; 353: 1445-1445.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Osaki Y, Fujisawa M, Doi Y, Ozawa T: The timed " Up and Go" test and manual button score are useful predictors of functional decline in basic and instrumental ADL in community-dwelling older people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1999; 47: 497-498.
- Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Yasuda N, Ozawa T: A u-shaped association between home sysytolic blood pressure and four-year mortality in community-dwelling older men. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1999; 47: 1415-1421.
- Osaki Y, Koga M, Matsubayashi K, Yuki N: Asymmetric pharyngeal-cervical-brachial weakness associated with anti-GT1a IgG antibody. Acta Neurol Scand, 2000; 106(4): 234-235.
- Okumiya K, Morita K, Doi Y, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T: Close association between day-to-day fluctuation of atmospheric and blood pressure. Biomedicine & Pharmaco therapy, 2001; 50: 93.
- Tatematsu M, Kawamoto T, Hayashida K, Yoshida H, Wada T, Ueyama K, Nakajima Y, Nagano Y, Takechi H, Tanaka M, Horiuchi H, Ishii K, Arai H, Kume N, Wakatsuki Y, Murakami M, Matsubayasshi K, Kita T, Yokode M: Preoperative assessment scale for elderly Japanese patients (part I): basic study design and clinical trial. Geriatrics Gerontology International, 2002; 2: 36-39.
- Shinagawa M, Otsuka K, Murakami S, Kubo Y, Cornelissen G, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Mitsutake G, Yasaka K, Halberg F: Seven-day (24-h) ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, self-reported depression and quality of life. Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2002; 7: 69-76.
- Wada T, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Garcia Del Saz E, Kita T: Health status and subjective economic satisfaction in West Papua. Lancet, 2002; 360: 951.
- Ho HK, Matsubayashi K, Lim FS, Sahadevan S, Kita T, Saijoh K: Hypertension in Japanese old-old. Lancet, 2002; 359: 804.
- Ho HK, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Kimura M, Kita T, Saijyo K: Factors associated with ADL dependence. -A comparative study of residential care home and community-dwelling older people in Japan. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2002; 2: 80-86.
- Osaki Y, Koga M, Matsubayashi K, Yuki N: Asymmetric pharyngeal-cervical-brachial weakness associated with anti-GT1aIgG antibody. Acta Neurol Scand, 2002; 105: 234-235.
- Wada T, Matsubayashi K, Ishine M, Fujisawa M, Kita T: Depression screening of Japanese community-dwelling elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2003; 51: 1328-1329.
- Ho HK, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Kimura M, Kita T, Saijyo K: What determines the life satisfaction of the elderly? Comparative study of residential care home and community in Japan. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2003; 3: 79-85.
- Ishine M, Wada T, kita T, Kannagi T, Fushida M, Matsubayashi K: Depression, age and ADL in community-dwelling elderly. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2003; 3: 262-264.
- Tanaka M, Yokode M, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Donepezil and athetosis in an elderly patient with Alzheimer’s disease. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2003; 51: 989.
- Nagano Y, Takahashi T, Ishida K, Hirose D, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K: Knee pain in people aged 80 years and older is not associated with gait parameter and functional performance. Int J Rehabil Res, 2003; 26: 131-136.
- Tsuji Y, Kanamori H, Muralkami G, Yokode M, Mezaki T, Doh-ura K, Taniguchi K, Matsubayashi K, Fukuyama H, Kita T, Tanaka M: Haidenhaim variant of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: diffusion-weighted MRI and PET characteristics. J Neuoimaging, 2004; 14: 63-66.
- Wada T, Ishine M, Sakagami T, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Murakami S, Otsuka K, Yano S, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Depression in Japanese community-dwellimg elderly-prevalence and association with ADL and QOL. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2004; 39: 13-23.
- Akamatsu K, Saito A, Wada T, Ishine M, Cruz MR, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K: Analysis of comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly residents in a social welfare home for the aged compared with those in a residential care home in an urban area in Japan. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 53-58.
- Takahashi T, Ishida K, Hirose D, Nagano Y, Okumiya K, Nishinaga M, Matsubayashi K, Doi Y, Tani T, Yamamoto H: Trunk deformity is assiciated with reduction in outdoor activities of daily living and life satisfaction in community-dwelling older people. Osteoporosis Int, 2005; 16: 273-279.
- Matsubayashi K, Sakagami T, Okumiya K, Wada T, Ishine M, Wada T, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Kita T, Mizuno Y: Comprehensive geriatric Assessment for Community-Dwelling Elderly in Asia compared with those in Japan: I Singapore Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2005; 5: 99-106.
- Sakagami T, Okumiya K, Wada T, Ishine M, Hayashi T, Wada T, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive geriatric Assessment for Community-Dwelling Elderly in Asia ompared with those in Japan: II Korea, Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 107-114.
- Ishine M, Wada T, Okumiya K, Sakagami T, Dung PT, Vienh TD, Kawakita T, Fushida M, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Community-Dwelling Elderly in Asia compared with those in Japan: III. Phuto in Vietnam. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 115-121.
- Ishine M, wada T, Akamatsu K, Crux MR, Sakagami T, Kita T, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K: No positive correlation between anemia and disability in older people in Japan. J Am Geriiatr Soc, 2005; 53: 734-735.
- Morioka M, Tanaka M, Matsubayashi K, Kita T: Acceptamce of memory impairment and satisfaction with life in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 122-126.
- Okumiya K, Wada T, sakagami T, Mizuno K, Rambo TA, Matsubayashi K: Close association between geriatric functional ability and economic status in developing and developed countries. J Am Geriatri Soc, 2005; 53: 1448-1449.
- Wada T, Wada C, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Kawakita T, Fushida M, Kita T, Mizuno K, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Community- Dwelling Elderly Asia compared with those in Japan: V West Java in Indonesia. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 168-175.
- Okumiya K, Ishine M, Wada T, Cruz M, Cruz I, Ishine N, Sakagami S, Kita T, Kaneda E, Moji K, Pongvongsa T, Nakamura S, Akimichi T, Boupha B, Kawakita T, Fushida M, Matsubayashi M: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Community-Dwelling Elderly in Asia compared with those in Japan: IV. SavannaKhet in Lao PDR. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 159-167.
- Wada T, Wada C, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Kawakita T, Fushida M, Kita T, Mizuno K, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Community- Dwelling Elderly Asia compared with those in Japan: VI Maubin in Myanmar. Geriatrics and gerontology International, 2005; 5: 276-285.
- Ishine M, Wada T, Okumiya K, Sakagami T, Dung PT, Vienh TD, Kawakita T, Fushida M, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Community-Dwelling in Asia compared with those in Japan: VI. Maubin in Myanmar. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2005; 5: 276-285.
- Yamada G, Otsuka K, Hotta H, Murakami S, Kubo Y, Matsuoka O, Takasugi E, Yamanaka T, Shinagawa M, Nunoda S, Nishimura Y, Shibata K, saitoh H, Nishinaga M, Ishine M, Wada T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Ishizuka S, Ichibara K, Cornelissen G, Halberg F: Depressive mood is independently related to stroke and cardiovascular events in a community. Biopmedicine & Pharmacology, 2005; 59: S31-S39.
- Matsuoka o, Otsuka K, Murakami S, Hotta H, Yamanaka G, kubo Y, Yamanaka T, Shinagawa M, Ishine M, Wada T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Ichihara K, Cornelissen G, Halberg F: Arterial stiffness independently predicts cardiovascular events in an elderly community: Longitudinal Investigation for the Longevity and Aging in Hokkaido County (LILAC) study. Biopmedicine & Pharmacology, 2005; 59: S40-S44.
- Hotta H, Otsuka K, Murakami S, Yamanaka G, Kubo Y, Matsuoka O, Yamanaka M, Shinagawa M, Nunoda S, Nishimura Y, Shibata K, Saitoh, Nishinaga M, Ishine M, wada T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Ichihara K, Cornelissen G, Halberg F: Fractal analysis of heart rate variability and mortality in elderly community-dwelling people: Longitudinal Investigation for the Longevity and Aging in Hokkaido County (LILAC) study. Biopmedicine & Pharmacology, 2005; 59: S45-S48.
- Murakami S, Otsuka K, Hotta H, Yamanaka G, Kubo Y, Matsuoka O, Yamanaka T, Sinagawa M, Nunoda S, Nishimura Y, Shibata K, Takasugi E, Nishinaga M, Ishine M, wada T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Ichihara K, Cornelissen G, Halberg F: Common carotid intima-media thickness is predictive of all^cause and cardiovascular mortality in elderly community-dwelling people: Longitudinal Investigation for the Longevity and Aging in Hokkaido County (LILAC) study. Biopmedicine & Pharmacology, 2005; 59: S49-S53.
- Otsuka K, Norboo T, Otsuka Y, Higuchi H, Hayajiri M, Narushima C, Sato Y, Tsugoshi T, Wada T, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Chogyal T, Angchuk D, Cornelissen G, Halberg F: Chronoecological health watch of arterial stiffnrss and neuro-cardio-pulmonary function in elderly community at high- altitude (3542m), compared with Japanese town. Biopmedicine & Pharmacology, 2005; 59: S58-S67.
- Nishinaga M, Takata J, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T, Doi Y: High morning home blood pressure is associated with a loss of functional independence in the community-dwelling elderly aged 75 years or older. Hypertens Res, 2005; 28: 657-663.
- Wada T, Shine M, Sakagami T, Kita T, Okumiy K, Mizuno K, Rambo AT, Matsubayashi K: Depression, activities of daily living, and quality of life of community-dwelling elderly in three Asian countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and Japan. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2005; 41: 271-280.
- Okumiya K, Morita Y, Nishinaga M, Osaki Y, Doi Y, Shine M, wada T, Ozawa T, Matsubayashi K: Effects of group work programs on community-dwelling elderly people with age-associated cognitive decline and /or mild depressive moods: A Kahoku Longitudibnal Aging Study. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2005; 5: 267-275.
- Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Wada T, Ishine M: Older adult’s view of “successful aging”- Comparison between Japanese and American elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2006; 54: 184-186.
- Akamizu T, Murayama T, Teramukai S, Miura K, Bando I, Irako T, Iwakura H, Ariyasu H, Hosoda H, Tada H, Matsuyama A, Kojima S, Wada T, Wakatsuki Y, Matsubayashi K, Kawakita T, Shimizu A, Fukushima M, Yokode M, Kangawa K: Plasma ghrelin levels in healthy elderly volunteers: the levels of acylated ghrelin in elderly females correlate positively with serum IGI-I levels and bowel movement frequency and negatively with systolic blood pressure. Journal of Endoclinology, 2006; 188: 333-344.
- Matheus RC, Idiane R, Ishine M, Sakagami T, Roriz JS, Ademar C Jr, Partezani-Rodriges R, De Souza AC, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Age, social stratum, and obesity in Latin America: Similarities in the inequalities for older people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2006; 54: 559-560.
- Arai H, Takechi H, Wada T, Ishine M, Wakatsuki Y, Horiuchi H, Murayama T,Yokode M, Tanaka M, Kita T, Matsubayashi K, Kume N: Usefulness of measuring serum markers in addition to comprehensive geriatric assessment for cognitive impairment and depressive mood in the elderly. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2006; 6: 7-14.
- Ishine M, Sakagami T, Sakamoto R, Wada T, Khampitak K, Fushida M, Kawakita T, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive geriatric assessment for community-dwelling elderly in Asia compared with those in Japan: VII. Khon Kaen in Thailand. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2006; 6: 40-48.
- Sumi E, Takechi H, Wada T, Ishine M, Wakatsuki Y, Murayama T, Yokode M, Tanaka M, Kita T, Matsubayashi K, Arai H: Comprehensive geriatric assessment for the detection of functional disabilities and depressive symptoms associated with sensory impairments as well as for the screening of cognitive impairment. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2006; 6: 94-100.
- Rosset I, Roriz-Cruz M, Sakagami T, Ishine M, Wada T, DE Sa-Roriz J, Paeteani-Rodrigues R, DE Souza AC, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Is culture an independent variable in psychogeriatrics? The case of Japanese and Brazilian elderly. Int Psychogeriatr, 2006 Feb; 15: 1-3.
- Roriz-Cruz M, Rosset I, Ishine M, Sakagami T, Roriz JS, Chiez A, Partezani-Rodrigues R, De Souza AC, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Age, social stratum, and obesity in Latin America: similarities in the inequalities for older people. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Mar; 54(3): 559-60.
- Rosset I, Roriz-Cruz M, Sakagami T, Ishine M, Wada T, DE Sa-Roriz J, Paeteani-Rodrigues R, DE Souza AC, Okumiya K, Kita T, Matsubayashi: Is culture an independent variable in psychogeriatrics? The case of Japanese and Brazilian elderly. Int Psychogeriatr. 2006 Mar; 18(1): 176-9.
- Roriz-Cruz M, Rosset I, Wada T, Sakagami T, Ishine M, De Sa Roriz-Filho J, Cruz TR, Hosseinkhani M, Rodrigues RP, Sudoh S, Arai H, Wakatsuki Y, Souza AC, Nakahgawa M, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Cognitive impairment and frontal-subcortical geriatric syndrome are associated with metabolic syndrome in a stroke-free population. Neurobiol Aging, 2007; 28: 1723-36.
- Suzuki K, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Sakagami T, Roriz-Cruz M, Rosset I, Pongvongsa T, Boupha B, Matsubayashi K: High prevalence of diabetes mellitus in older people in a rural area in Laos. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Nov; 54(11): 1791-2.
- Miyanao I, Takata J, Nishinaga M, Okumiya K, Hamada T, Kubo T, Morita Y, Okawa M, Yamasaki N, Sato K, Matsubayashi K, Doi Y: Quantitative analysis of carotid atherosclerotic lesions and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in community-dwelling elderly 80 years or older. Geriatr Gerontol Intern, 2006; 6: 186-193.
- Okochi J, Toba K, Takahashi T, Matsubayashi K, Nishinaga M, Takahashi R, Ohrui T: Sinple screening test for risk of falls in the elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Intern, 2006; 6: 223-227.
- Ishine M, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K: A close association between hearing impairment and activities of daily living, depression, and quality of life in community-dwelling older people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2007; 55: 316-317.
- Roriz-Cruz M, Rosset I, Wada T, Sakagami T, Ishine M, Roriz-Filho JS, Cruz TR, Rodrigues RP, Resmini I, Sudoh S, Wakatsuki Y, Nakagawa M, Souza AC, Kita T, Matsubayashi K: Stroke-independent association between metabolic syndrome and functional dependence , depression, and low quality of life in elderly community-dwelling Brazilian people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2007; 55: 374-382.
- Fujisawa M, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Trends in diabetes. Lancet, 2007; 369: 1257-1257.
- Okumiya K, Ishine M, Wada T, Pongvongsa T, Boupha B, Matsubayashi K: The close association between low economic status and glucose intolerance in elderly subjects in a rural area in Laos. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2007; 55: 2101-2102.
- Fujisawa M, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Nishinaga M, Doi Y, Ozawa T, Matsubayashi K: Effects of long-term exercise class on prevention of falls in community-dwelling elderly: Kahoku longitudinal aging study. Gerontol Geriatr Intern, 2007; 7: 357-362.
- Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Ishine M, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Hirata Y, Del Saz EG, Griapon Y, Togodly A, Sanggenafa N, Rantetampang AL, Kokubo Y, Kuzuhara S, Matsubayashi K: Fieldwork survey of neurodegenerative diseases in West New-Guinea in 2001-02 and 2006-07. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2007; 47(11): 977-8.
- Ishine M, Okumiya K, Hirosaki M, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Hotta N, Otsuka K, Nishinaga M, Doi Y, Matsubayashi K: Prevalence of hypertension and its awareness, treatment, and satisfactory control through treatment in elderly Japanese. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2008; 56(2): 374-5.
- Okumiya K, Ishine M, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Lifestyle changes after oral glucose tolerance test improve glucose intolerance in community-dwelling elderly people after 1 year. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2008; 56(4): 767-9.
- Wada T, Ishine M, IshimotoY, Hirosaki M, Kimura Y, Kasahara Y, Okumiya K, Hishinaga M, Otuka K, Matsubayashi K: Community-dwelling elderly fallers in Japan are older, more disabled, and more depressed than non-fallers. J Am Geritr Soc, 2008; 56: 1570-1571.
- Ishine M, Okumiya K, Kimura Y, Kasahara Y, Wada T, Yamanaka G, Hotta N, Otsuka K, Murakami S, Matsubayashi K: Subjective sleep disturbance were closely associated with comprehensive geriatric functions in doseresponsive manner in the community-dwelling elderly people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2008; 56: 1571-1572.
- Okumiya K, Ishine M, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Pomgvongsa T, Siengsoutbone L, Boupba B, Matsubayashi K: Improvement in obesity and glucose tolerance in elderly people after lifestyle exchange 1 year after an oral glucose tolenrance test in a rural area in LAO People’s Democratic Republic. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2008; 56: 1582-1583.
- Asayama K, Ohkubo T, Yoshida S, Suzuki K, Metoki H, Harada A, Murakami Y, Ohashi Y, Ueshima H, Imai Y; Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study (JALS) group.Collaborators (185) : Ueshima H, Ohashi Y, Harada A, Shinji M, Miyata S, Ando T, Yoshida S, Taguri M, Toyoshima H, Imai Y, Nakagawa H, Shimamoto K, Yamashina A, Kushiro T, Kiyohara Y, Iso H, Kita Y, Sato S, Tanabe N, Soejima H, Suzuki K, Ohkubo T, Tabara Y, Asayama K, Metoki H, Nagai T, Noda H, Yamamoto H, Mizushima S, Miki T, Shimamoto K, Saitoh S, Suzuki K, Takagi S, Sato K, Sato S, Imano H, Kiyama M, Iida M, Kitamura A, Shimamoto T, Imai Y, ]Ohkubo T, Kikuya M, Metoki H, Asayama K, Inoue R, Iso H, Tanigawa T, Yamagishi K, Cui R, Ikeda A, Noda H, Tanabe N, Suzuki H, Aizawa Y, Nakagawa H, Miura K, Morikawa Y, Nishijyo M, Naruse Y, Tsushima M, Maruyama C, Sakata K, Kita Y, Ueshima H, Nakamura Y, Nozaki A, Okayama A, Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Ishine M, Saito A, Fujisawa M, Kitamura A, Okamura T, Kiyama M, Naito Y, Sato S, Shimamoto T, Yamada M, Fujiwara S, Kasagi F, Mimori Y, Nishinaga M, Okumiya K, Takata J, Okada K, Konishi M, Saito I, Watanabe K, Hitsumoto S, Kiyohara Y, Arima H, Yonemoto K, Ninomiya T, Doi Y, Kubo M, Adachi H, Enomoto M, Kawano H, Soejima H, Ogawa H, Nakayama S, Kuratsu Y, Kushiro T, Takahashi A, Toyoshima H, Tamakoshi K, Yatsuya H, Wada K, Otsuka R, Kondo T, Ishizaki M, Kido T, Maeda K, Ishikawa Y, Hashimoto J, Okayama A, Sakata K, Nakamura M, Ogawa A, Tago T, Akaba T, Terayama Y, Nakamura M, Tanaka F, Nagano M, Sato K, Ogawa M, Segawa T, Tsuji I, Ohmori-Matsuda K, Kuriyama S, Nakaya N, Hozawa A, Mizushima S, Ichinohe S, Yanagibori R, Amano K, Suzuki T, Yoshida H, Shimizu Y, Iwasa H, Shinkai S, Fujiwara Y, Amano H, Momotsu T, Tanabe N, Shinkai S, Fujiwara Y, Amano H, Maruyama T, Nakamori T, Nakano S, Matsui K, Tamaki S, Sugihara H, Nishio N, Saika A, Okada T, Ohira T, Shiraishi T, Nakanishi N, Miki T, Tabara Y, Kohara K, Nagura J, Hayashi J, Kitakaze M, Koshi S, Katayama I, Marubayashi T, Hayashi J, Yamashina A, Tomiyama H, Takeda K, Fujii H, Koba I, Nakamura M, Sasaki S, Naito Y, Arao T, Inoue S, Kitabatake Y: Stroke risk and antihypertensive drug treatment in the general population: the Japan arteriosclerosis longitudinal study. J Hypertens, 2009 Feb; 27(2): 357-64.
- Kimura Y, Wada T, Ishine M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Hirosaki M, Konno A, Nakatsuka M, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Community-dwelling elderly with chewing difficulties are more disabled, depressed and have lower quality of life scores. Geriat Gerontol Int, 2009; 9: 102-104.
- Ishimoto Y, Wada T, Hirosaki M, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Konno A, Nakatsuka M, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Health-related differences between participants and nonparticipants in community-based geriatric examinations. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009; 57(2): 360-2.
- Sakamoto R, Ohno A, Nakahara T, Satomura K, Iwanaga S, Kouyama Y, Kura F, Noami M, Kusaka K, Funato T, Takeda M, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Kato N, Yamaguchi K: Is driving a car a risk for Legionnaires’ disease? Epidemiol Infect, 2009 Apr; 20: 1-8.
- Kimura Y, Wada T, Ishine M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Konno A, Nakatsuka M, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Food diversity is closely associated with activities of daily living, depression, and quality of life in community-dwelling elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 May; 57(5): 922-4.
- Ishimoto Y, Wada T, Hirosaki M, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Konno A, Nakatsuka M, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Age and sex significantly influence fall risk in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 May; 57(5): 930-2.
- Shimizu Y, Nkshinaga M, Takata J, Miyano I, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa Y, Yasuda N, Dpi Y: B-type natriuretic peptide is predicitive of hospitalization in community-dwelling elderly without heart diseases. Geriat Gerontol Int, 2009; 9: 148-154.
- Yamamoto N, Hotta N, Takasugi E, Ishikawa M, Murakami S, Yamanaka T, Yamanaka G, Hanafusa T, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K: The effect of glucose tolerance on central and brachial pressure in elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 Jun; 57(6): 1120-2.
- Hirosaki M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Konno A, Sakamoto R, Nakatsuka M, Ishine M, Wada T, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Community-dwelling elderly Japanese people with hobbies are healthier than those lacking hobbies. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 Jun; 57(6): 1132-3.
- Yamamoto N, Hotta N, Takasugi E, Ishikawa M, Murakami S, Yamanaka T, Yamanaka G, Hanafusa T, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K: The effect of glucose tolerance on central and brachial pressure in elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 Jun; 57(6): 1132-3.
- Yamamoto N, Yamanaka G, Takasugi E, Ishikawa M, Yamanaka T, Murakami S, Hanafusa T, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K: Lifestyle intervention reversed cognitive function in aged people with diabetes mellitus: two-year follow up. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2009 Sep; 85(3): 343-6.
- Yamamoto N, Yamanaka G, Ishikawa M, Takasugi E, Murakami S, Yamanaka T, Ishine M, Matsubayashi K, Hanafusa T, Otsuka K: Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index as a Predictor of Cognitive Impairment in Community-Dwelling Elderly People: Four-Year Follow-Up. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 2009 Aug 20; 28(2): 153-158.
- Sakamoto R, Ohno A, Nakahara T, Satomura K, Iwanaga S, Kouyama Y, Kura F, Kato N, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Yamaguchi K: Legionella pneumophila in rainwater on roads. Rmerg Infect Dis, 2009 Aug; 15(8): 1295-1297.
- Matsubayashi K, Ishine M, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Nakatsuka M, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K: Changing attitudes of elderly Japanese toward disease. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009 September; 57(9): 1732-1733.
- Matsubayashi K, Kimura Y, Sakamoto R, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Konno A, Chen WL, Ishine M, Kosaka Y, Wada C, Nakatsuka M, Otsuka K, Fujisawa M, Wang HX, Dai QX, Yang A, Gao JD, Li ZQ, Qiao HS, Zhang YS, Ge RL, Okumiya K: Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinhai, China I: Acticvities of daily living, quality of life and metabolic syndrome. Geriatr Gerontol Int , 2009; 9 (4): 333-341.
- Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Kimura Y, Ishine M, Kosaka Y, Wada T, Wada C, Nakatsuka M, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Kasahara K, Konno A, Chen WL, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Nakashima M, Wang HX, Dai QX, Yang A, Gao JD, Li ZQ, Qiao HS, Zhang YS, Ge RL, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinhai, China II: The association of polycythemia with lifestyle-related diseases among the three ethnics. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2009; 9(4): 342-351.
- Sakamoto R, Matsubayashi K, Kimura Y, Ishine M, Kosaka Y, Wada T, Wada C, Nakatsuka M, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Kasahara K, Konno A, Chen WL, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Nakashima M, Wang HX, Dai QX, Yang A, Gao JD, Li ZQ, Qiao HS, Zhang YS, Ge RL Okumiya K: Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinhai, China III: Oxidative stress and aging in Tibetan and Han elderly highlanders. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2009; 9 (4): 352-358.
- Kimura Y, Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Wada T, Kosaka Y, Wada C, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Kasahara K, Konno A, Chen WL, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Nakatsuka M, Nakashima M, Wang HX, Dai QX, Yang A, Gao JD, Li ZQ, Qiao HS, Zhang YS, Ge RL, Matsubayashi K: Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinhai, China IV: Comparison of food diversity and its relation to health of Han and Tibetan elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2009; 9 (4): 359-365.
- Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Konno A, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Nakatsuka M, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Twenty-one-item Fall Risk Index Predicts Falls in Community-dwelling Japanese Elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2009; 57(12): 2369-2371.
- Hirosaki M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Konno A, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen WL, Nakatsuka M, Fujisawa M, Sakamoto, R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Otsuka L, Wada T, Matsubayashi K: Self-Rated Health and Comprehensive Geriatric Functions in Community-Living Elderly in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58(1): 207-209.
- Matsubayashi K, Sakagami T, Wada T, Ishine M, Sakamoto R, Yamanaka G, Otsuka K, Fujisawa M, Okumiya: Mood Disorders in the Community-Dwelling Elderly in Asia. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58 (1): 213-214.
- Fujisawa M, Matsubayashi K, Soumah AG, Kasahara Y, Nakatsuka M, Matsuzawa T: Farsigjetdness (presbyopia) in a wild elderly chimpanzee: The first report. Geriatri Gerontol Int, 2010; 10: 113-114.
- Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, Wada T, Ishine M, Ishikawa M, Nakajima S, Hozo R, Gr RL, Norbobb T, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Strong association between polycythemia and glucose intolerance in elderly high-altitude dwellers in Asia. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58 (3): 609-611.
- Matsubayashi K, Ishine M, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Ishikawa M, Yamanaka G, Yamamoto N, Otsuka K, Nishinaga M, Doi Y, Murakami S, Fujisawa M, Yano S: Community-Based Geriatric Assessment and Preventive Intervention Lowered Medical Expenses for the Elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58(4): 791-793.
- Yamamoto N, Yamanaka G, Ishizawa K, Ishikawa M, Murakami S, Yamanaka T, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K: Insomnia Increases Insulin Resistance and Insulin Secretion in Elderly People. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58(4): 801-804.
- Miyano I, Nishinaga M, Takata J, Shimizu Y, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T, Sugiura T, Yasuda N, Doi Y: Association between brachial-ankle pulse velocity and 3-year mortality in community-dwelling older adults. Hypertens Res, 2010 Jul; 33(7): 678-82.
- Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, Wada T, Ishinr M, Ishikawa M, Nakajima S, Hozo R, Ge Rl, Norboo T, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K: Diabetes mellitus and hypertension in elderly highlanders in Asia. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2010; 58(6): 1193-1195.
- Qiao HS, Guo ZH, Li W, Duo H, Li ZN, Matsubayashi K, Okumiya K, Dai QX, Xu HN. Echinococcosis prevalence in elderly population from Haiyuan county of Qinghai Province. Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi. 2010 Dec 30;28(6):458-9. Chinese.
- Matsubayashi K & Okumiya K. Non-Caucasion and High Altitude. Himalayan
Study Monographs, 2011, 12:3-6. - Kanamori H, Nagai K, Matsubara T, Mima A, Yanagita M, Iehara N, Takechi H, Fujimaki K, Usami K, Fukatsu A, Kita T, Matsubayashi K, Arai H. Comparison of the psychosocial quality of life in hemodialysis patients between the elderly and non-elderly using a visual analogue scale: The importance of appetite and depressive mood. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2011;15:
- Matsubayashi K, Ishine M, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Hirosaki M, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Ling CW, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Okumiya K. “ Field Medicine” for reconsidering “Optimal Ageing”. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2011, 59 (8): 1968-1970.
- Hirosaki M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Konno A, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen WL, Nakatsuka M, Fujisawa M, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Wada T, Matsubayashi K. Self-rated happiness is associated with functional ability, mood, quality of life and income, but not with medical condition in community-dwelling elderly in Japan. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2011, 11:531-533.
- Okumiya K, Fukutomi E, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, Cheng WL, Ishikawa M, Hozo R, Sakamoto R, Wada T, Otsuka K, Inamura T, Lazo M, Lu JP, Garcia PJ, Matsubayashi K. Strong association between polycythemia and glucose intolerance in older adults living at high altirudes in Andes. J Am Geritr Soc, 2011, 59 (10): 1971-1973.
- Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Lhadon K, Lhamo S, Rinchen S, Dorji N, Dorji T, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Wada T, Matsubayashi K. Subjective quality of life in older community-dwelling adults in the Kingdom of Bhutan and Japan. J Am Geritr Soc, 2011, 59 (11): 2157-2159.
- Wada T, Kasahara Y, Matsubayashi K, Fukutomi E, Kimura Y, Imai I, Chen WL, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Fujisawa M. Fifteen-item geriatric depression scale predicts 8-year mortality in Older Japanese. J Am Geritr Soc, 2011, 59 (11): 2159-2160.
- Matsubayashi K & Okumiya K. Field Medicine: A New Paradigm of Geriatic Medicine. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2012, 12:5-15.
- Yamamoto N, Ishizawa K, Ishikawa M, Yamanaka G, Yamanaka T, Murakami S, Hiraiwa T, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K. Cognitive function with subclinical hypothyroisism in elderly people without dementia : one year follow up. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2012 Jan;12(1):164-5.
- Kimura Y, Wada T, Okumiya K, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Kasahara Y, Chen WL, Sakomoto R, Fujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Eating alone among community-dwelling Japanese elderly: association with depression and food diversity. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012, 16(8): 728-31.
- Ishimoto Y, Wada T, Kasahara Y, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Hirosaki M, Nakatsuka M, Fujisawa M, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Fall Risk Index (FRI-21) predicts functional decline regardless of fall experiences among community-dwelling elderly. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2012 12(4):659-666.
- Chen WL, Wada T, Ishimoto I, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Imai H, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Fujisawa M, Matsubayashi K. Association Between Geriatric Function and Subjective EconomyamongElderly Living in a Rural Community in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2012, 60(4): 802-803..
- Imai H, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen WL, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Activities of daily living rather than depressive symptoms increase the risk of 4-year mortality in Japanese community-dwelling elderly people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2012, 60(6):1191-1193.
- Fujisawa M, Ishimoto Y, Chen W, Ida Bagus Manuaba I, Del Saz EG, Okumiya K, Wada T, Kimura Y, Imai H, Matsubayashi K. Correlation of sysyolic blood pressure with age and body mass index in native Papuan pipulations. Hypertens Res. 2012 Sep;35(9):959-60.
- Ishikawa M, Yamamoto N, Yamanaka G, Suwa K, Nakajima S, Hozo R, Norboo T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Otsuka K. Disaster-related psychiayric disoreders among survivors of flooding in Ladakh, India. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2012 Apr 9 (in press).
- Matsubayashi K & Okumiya K. Non-Caucasin highlanders and modrrn globalization. Himalayan Study Monographs, 2012, 13:2-10.
- Chen WL, Fukutomi E, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Kasahara Y, Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K. Comprehensive geriatric functional analysis of elderly populations in four categories of the long-term care insurance system in a rural, depopulated and aging town in Japan. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2013, 13:63-69.
- Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Kasahara Y, Chen WL, Ishine M, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Imai H, Ishikawa M, Yamamoto N, Matsubayashi K. J-curve association between economic status and diabetes independent of functional disability in Japanese Elderly. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2012, Oct;12 (4): 755-756.
- Kimura Y, Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Yamaga T, Takiguchi T, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Chen WL, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K. Evaluation of chewing ability and its relationship with activities of daily living, depression, cognitive status, and food intake in the community-dwelling eldrly. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2013 13(3):718-725.
- Fukutomi E, Okumiya K, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Kasahara Y, Chen WL, Imai HFujisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Importance of cognitive assessment as part of the “Kihon Check” developed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for prediction of frailty after two-year follow-up. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2013, 13(3): 654-662.
- Hirosaki M, Ishimoto Y, Kasahara Y, Konnno A, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen
WL, Nakatsuka M, Fujisawa M, Sakamoto R, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Wada T, Matsubayashi K. Positive affect as a predictor of lower risk of functional
decline in communiry-dwelling elderly in Japan. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2013:13;1051-1058 - Fukutomi E, Kimura Y, Wada T, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K. Long-term care prevention in Japan. Lancet, 2013, 381:116.
- Matsubayashi K & Okumiya K. Editoral: Elderly of the Tibetan Highlands and Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Himalayan Study Monographs, 2013, 14:3-8.
- Wenling Chen, Okumiya K, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Imai H, Fututomi E, Hozo R, Ishikawa M, Matsubayashi K. The Comparison of Comprehensive Geriatric Functions of Community-Dwelling Elderly people living in Cotahuasi and Puyca located in la Uniopn Province, Arequipa, Peru. Himalayan Study Monographs, 2013, 14:59-64.
- Imai H, Furukawa TA, Okumiya K, Wada T, Fukutomi E, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Chen WL, Tanaka M, Matsubayashi K. The postcard intervention against depression among community-dwelling older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2013 Jul 9;14:202. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-202.
- Imai H, Okumiya K, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Kimura, Futumomi E, Chen WL, Tanaka M, Matsubayashi K. Relationship between depression and blood pressure in communiyt-dwelling oldest old adults in Japan. J Am Geriar Soc, 2013, Dec 61(12):2241-2. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12576.
- Matsubayashi K. Geriatric Issues from the Standpoint of Human Evolution. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. 2014, 14(4):731-4. .
- Otsuka K, Yamanaka T, Oinuma S, Cornelissen G, Sasaki J, Yamanaka G, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K. Comprehensive Geriaric Assessment reveals sleep disturbances in community-dwelling elderly associated with even slight cognitive decline. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2014, Mar ;62(3):571-573.
- Otsuka K, Coenlissen G, Yamanaka T, Oinuma S, Sakai J Yamada G, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K. Time estimation predicts an improvement of cognitive function in elderly community-dwelling people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 62 (5) :974-976, 2014.
- Imai H, Yamanaka G, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fututomi E, Chen WL, Matsuoka S, Tanaka M, Sakamoto R, Wada T, Okumiya K, Otsuka L, Matsubayashi K. Factor structures of a Japanese version of the Geriatric Depression Scale and its correlation with the quality of life and functional ability. Psychiatric Research, 2014, Feb 28, 215 (2): 460-465.
- Fujisawa M, Udono T, Nogami E, Hirosawa N, Morimura N, Saito A, Seres M, Teramoto K, Nagano K, Mori Y, Uesaka H, Nasu K, Tomonaga M Idani G, Hirata S, Tsuruyama T, Matsubayashi K. A case of maxillary sarcoma in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Medical Primatology, 2014 (in press), doi:10.1111/jmp.12086
- Matsubayashi K & Okumiya K. Global Environmental Issues from the Viewpoints of Medical Surveys on Non-Caucasian Highlanders in the World. Himalayan Study Monographs, 2014, 15:2-12.
- Okumiya K, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Ishine M, Garcia Del Saz, Hirata Y, Kuzuhara S, Kokubo Y, Seguchi H, Sakamoto R, Manuba I, WatofaP, Rantetampang AL, Matsubayashi K Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Parkinsonism in Papua, Indonesia: 2001-2012 Survey Results. BMJ Open 2014, April 16;4(4):e004353. Doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004353.
- Wada T, Imai H, Okumiya K, Fukutomi E, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Chen WL, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Matsubayashi K. Preferred feeding methods for dysphagia due to end-stage dementia among community-dwelling elderly people in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2014,62 (9): 1810-1811.
- Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Ohno A, Ge RL, Matsubayashi K. Detection of Legionella Pneumophilia at High Altitude in Tibetan Plateau. High Alt Med Biol 2014, June 15 (2):209-10, doi: 10.1089/ham.2013.1152.
- Imai H, Furukawa TA, Kasahara Y, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fututomi E, Chen WL, Tanaka M, Sakamoto R, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K. Ipsative imputation for a 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale in community-dwelling elderly people. Psychogeriatrics, 2014, 14(3):182-7.
- Kuroiwa Y, Miyano I, Nishinaga M, Takata J, Shimizu Y, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Ozawa T, Kitaoka H, Doi Y, Yasuda M. The association between level of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and onset of ADL impairment in community-dwelling older individuals. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. (in press) .
- Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Wada T, Chen WL, Imai H, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fututomi E, Sasiwongsaroj K, Kato E, Tanaka M, Hirosaki M, Kasahara Y, Nakatsuka M, Ishine M, Yamamoto N, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. The effect of early diagnosis and lifestyle modification on functional activities in the community-dwelling elderly with glucose intolerance in 5-year longitudinal study. J Am Geriatr Soc (in press).
- Fukutomi E, Okumiya K, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, kimura Y, Chen WL, Imai H, Fijisawa M, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Relationship between each category of 25-item frailty risk assessment (Kihon Checklist) and newly certified elderly under Long Term Care Insurance: a 24-month folloe-up syudy in a rural community in japan. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. (in press)
- Sasiwongsaroj K, Wada T, Okumiya K, Imai H, Ishimoto Y, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Kimura Y, Chen WL, Fukutomi E, Matsubayashi K. Buddhist Social Networks and Health in Old Age:A Study in Central Thailand. Geriatr Gerontolo Int. (in press)
- Kikuchi T, Okajima K, Cornelissen G, Sasaki J, Oimuma S, Yamanaka G, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yamanaka T, Otsuka K. Community-based comprehensive geriatric assessment of short-term and lomg-term predictors of cognitive decline in the elderly. J Am Geriatrics Soc, 2014 (in press)
- Imai H, Chen WL, Fukutomi E, Okumiya K, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Fujisawa M, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Chang CM, Matsubayashi K. Depression and subjective economy among elderly people in Asian communities: Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 Nov 13. pii: S0167-4943(14)00204-0. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2014.11.003. (in press)
- Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Ishine M, Wada T, Fujisawa M, Imai H, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, Chen WL, Sasiwongsaroj K, Kato E, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K. Predictors of difficulty in performing basic activities of daily living among old-old: a two year community-based cohort study. Geriatir Gerontol Inten, 2015 (in press).
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
Comparative Area Study on Healthcare Designs for the Community-Dwelling Elderly Associated with Ecology and Culture Grant-n-Aid Funding (A) |
MATSUBAYASHI, Kozo | 2011 - 2014 |
Research Summary: Elderly persons living a satisfying , purposeful later life followed by a peaceful death: this is the ideal, but it poses a challenges as to whether we are able to create a society in which this can b [ Read More ] |