Division:Division of Human-Nature Dynamics
Position:Associate Professor
Area:hydrology, land-atmosphere interactions
E-Mail:kozan [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Sustainability of the large scale tree plantation in the peat swamp forest, Indonesia
Research Overview:
- The rapid deforestation in tropical countries contributes to the increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the importance of bio-materials will be continuously increasing because of the demand of recyclable resources is increasing for the reduction of the consumption of fossil resources. We try to enhance the theoretical and empirical understanding of soil-vegetation-atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and energy balance components based on in situ observation and modeling in peat swamp forest, West Kalimantan. We have three research targets as follows. To estimate water budget using ground water level, rain gauge and water flux data. To observe Carbon exchange processes during and after ecological succession from a secondary forest to an artificial forest. To propose new method of ground water management to enhance timber productivity and wood quality using observation data and hydrological modeling.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
川井 秀一・藤田 素子・ 水野 広祐 |
講座生存基盤論第4巻 ─熱帯バイオマス社会の再生―― インドネシアの泥炭湿地から (第10章の執筆担当) |
2012 |
京都大学学術出版会 | ||
柳澤 雅之・河野 泰之・ 甲山治・神崎 護 |
講座生存基盤論第2巻 地球圏・生命圏の潜在力── 熱帯地域社会の生存基盤 | 2012 |
京都大学学術出版会 | ||
杉原 薫・川井秀一・ 河野泰之・田辺明生 |
地球圏・生命圏・人間圏:持続的生存基盤とは何か (第4章の執筆担当) | 2010 |
京都大学学術出版会 |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
甲山治 | モンスーンアジアにおける水田と大気・水循環 | 2011 |
シーダー4号 水はめぐる―水田がつなぐ知恵― 昭和堂,p44-53. | ||
甲山治,佐原将史,寶馨 | 分布型流出モデルを用いた融雪洪水の再現計算 | 2009 |
京都大学防災研究所年報』第52 (B),pp.67-76. | ||
甲山治 | オアシス周辺域における夜間の水蒸気フラックスの推定 | 2009 |
土壌水分ワークショップ2009論文集 |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
Interaction of Lower swamp and Hydrology in the equatorial Southeast Asian region Young Scientists Funding (A) |
KOZAN, Osamu | 2013 - 2015 |
Research Summary: This project aims to enhance the theoretical and empirical understanding of the interaction between lower swamps and hydrology in the equatorial Southeast Asian region. Based on in situ observational [ Read More ] |