Division:Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
Area:Economics, Finance & Development
E-Mail:mieno-lab [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Macroeconomy and Economic Reform in Myanmar
- Rural Finance and Microfinance: Laos Saving and Credit Union and other cases
- Financial System in ASEAN 4, in particular on Corporate Finance and Bond Market
Research Overview:
- Among my major field of the financial system in Southeast Asia, the first theme, ‘Myanmar economy’ occupied a substantial portion reflected by its rapidly changing political and economic clement. In October, I published co-editing and authoring monograph, as a fruits of three years lasting research project. Also I resumed the study on the economic structure in the changing period, presenting it at a seminar of international journal in September. The paper was accepted for publication in the next volume. Meanwhile, I continued to implement the field research and organize the seminar, as joint efforts with JICA, and JBIC. The research will be accelerated in the next fiscal year, particularly in forms of policy researches with JICA and Myanmar government. The studies of the second theme, Lao Saving and Credit Union is in the process of completing as papers based on the document and the information collected through the field researches until the last year. Throughout the process, I presented the study at Southeast Asian Society, and discussed small sized research meeting, and discussed with co-author the papers in Laos. The papers schedule to be published at the special edition of Southeast Asian Studies. The research expected to be expanded under a JSPS research fund in the next fiscal year. As a part of such expanding attempt, I also implemented a site visit for Vietnamese case in the summer. For the third theme, the financial system in ASEAN four countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, I worked mainly on the research project in IDE, and concentrated on the bond market issue. I completed a paper on the challenges of bond market development, and presented it at an international conference at Leipzig University in February. Although I planned to implement questionnaire-based survey on SME finance in Thailand, it remained as a preparation, and was postponed to the next fiscal year. As a spin out of the theme, I joined a research project on the strategy of Japanese banks in Asia, organized by Asia and Pacific Institute of Research in Osaka, examining Chinese case.
Research Publications:
Author Name | Title | Date |
三重野文晴(共著者:猪口真大) | 「2000年代ASEAN4カ国の金融環境とグ ローバル金融危機」 国宗浩三編 『世界的景気後退と開発途上国の政策対応』 |
2013 |
アジア経済研究所 | ||
三重野文晴 | 「東アジアと日本」西島章次・久保広正編『現代の世界経済と日本』 | 2012 |
ミネルヴァ書房 | ||
尾高煌之助、三重野文晴 | ミャンマー経済の新しい光 | 2012 |
勁草書房 |
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
Fumiharu Mieno | Toward Myanmar’s New Stage of Development: Transition from Military Rule to the Market | 2013 |
Asian Economic Policy Review, Vol.8, No.1 | ||
三重野文晴 | 東南アジア4ヵ国の金融システムをどうとらえるか―アジア金融統合への基本視角― | 2013 |
環太平洋ビジネス情報 RIM | ||
Fumiharu Mieno | How Far Has the Bond Market Been Developed in Thailand and ASEAN4? : A Demand Side View |
2013 |
a paper submitted to JSPS EU-Japan Joint Workshop on East Asian and European Monetary Integration during the Global Financial and Economic Crisis |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
In the making Grant-n-Aid Funding (B) |
MIENO, Fumiharu | 2013 - 2016 |
Research Summary: [ Read More ] |