KONO, Yasuyuki


Division:Division of Integrated Area Studies


Area:Land resource, Water resource, Livelihood transition, Sustainable humanosphere, Southeast Asia

E-Mail:kono [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp



Research Interests:

  1. Sustainable humanosphere studies
  2. Land and water resources management
  3. Livelihood transition

Research Overview:

    kono_field_003_PhuketHarmonious coexistence of human activities with natural environment is a fundamental of healthy and sustainable development of human society. Intervention to ecosystem and utilization of natural environment are essential for human society to sustain themselves, in which we have to carefully pay attention to and take necessary actions for the maintenance of healthy ecosystem in addition to pursuing the maximum benefit for human society. Then, how can we formulate the harmonious coexistence of human activities with natural environment? What are the institutions and technology that support the coexistence? These are the underlying research concern of mine. Southeast Asia has vigorous ecosystems, compared to those of the temperate region, and is characterized with diverse dynamisms of natural environment. As the present science and knowledge cannot fully elucidate their mechanism, we recognize them as uncertainty. This suggests that we have to examine field-based issues with considering the history of land and water resources use at the sites of utilization and management of natural environment on one hand and to reorganize and elaborate sciences to understand and utilize natural environment under the assumption of diversity and dynamism of natural environment of Southeast Asia on the other hand in order to pursue the harmonious coexistence. What I am doing can be divided in to 3 groups. The first one is to examine the long-term changes in agricultural and rural society. I am examining the changes and evolutions of institutions and technology for agricultural production and forest use and livelihood transition under the process of spread of market economy and modernization and resource governance at Northeast Thailand, Northwest Laos and Tonle Sap lake region of Cambodia. The second one is to examine the expansion process of boom crops. Focusing on rubber and banana in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China and coffee in the Northern mountain region of Vietnam, I am studying trigger and process of boom cropping and its consequences in changes of land use and livelihood transition. The third one is transformation of ecosystem under the development process. I am focusing on coastal ecosystem in Rayong province, Thailand and peat land ecosystem in Riau province, Sumatra, Indonesia.




Research Publications:

著者名 タイトル 年月
地球圏・生命圏の潜在力-熱帯地域社会の生存基盤-, 336p. 2012
瀬戸裕之,田中耕司 編
(Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies)122, 60p.
地球圏・生命圏・人間圏-持続型生存基盤とは何か-,427p. 2010


Academic Articles:

著者名 タイトル 年月
Yokoyama, S., Hirota, I., Tanaka, S., Ochiai, Y., Nawata, E. and Kono, Y. A review of studies on swidden agriculture in Japan: Cropping system and disappearing process 2014
Tropics (22)4, pp.131-155.
門司和彦、中澤港、河野泰之、梅崎昌裕. ポスト人口転換社会における緩和策と適応策 2014
民族衛生80(1), pp.60-67.
Le Zhang, Yasuyuki Kono and Shigeo Kobayashi. The process of expansion in commercial banana cropping in tropical China: A case study at a Dai village, Mengla County 2013
Agricultural Systems 124, pp.32-38.


Research Project :

Project Name
[Grant Organization]
Project Leader Period
Planted Forests in Equatorial Southeast Asia: Human-nature Interactions in High Biomass Society
Grant-n-Aid Funding (S)
ISHIKAWA, Noboru 2010 - 2015
Research Summary
The tropics have the highest potentiality to reproduce biomass due to greater solar radiation and active heat and water cycle. The region has also been the most fertile ground for bio-resource commodi [ Read More ]
