Division:Network Division
Position:Assistant Professor
Area:Area studies, Vietnamese history
E-Mail:onomkk [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Collection development of materials in Southeast Asia Construction of co-sharing and using system of information resources in Southeast Asia Archiving and digitization of Vietnamese historical materials
Research Overview:
Regarding with CSEAS Library work set 3 objectives such as 1. Collection development of materials in Southeast Asia, 2. Constructing of co-sharing and use system of information resources in Southeast Asia, 3. Archiving and digitization of Vietnamese historical materials. The first is carried out purchasing antique books, rare documents during colonial periods and periodicals in microform for which set as starting point for enhancement CSEAS library’s existent collection. Besides added to some equipment such as study room with AV booth, up-dating educational tools, archives database for changing library to learning commons . The second, construction of co-sharing and use system of information resources in Southeast Asia is continued to actively exchanging information about acquisition and preservation of materials in Southeast Asian countries between some organizations and agreed to continue discussion about co-sharing , co-using interlibrary system. The third, archiving and digitization of historical documents is continued by general survey at some organizations which hold those historical materials, and exchanged informations at some workshop concerning with materials preservation.
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
大野美紀子 | 多言語資料におけるガジェットデバイス活用の可能性について-京都大学東南アジア研究所の事例から | 2013 |
共著 『東京大学経済学部資料室年報』第4号 |
Research Project :
Project Name [Grant Organization] |
Project Leader | Period |
Research on cross-institutional network construction by periodical database in three Indochina countries Grant-n-Aid Funding (C) |
ONO, Mikiko | 2014 - 2016 |
Research Summary: Serial publication, such as newspapers and magazines are valuable materials that reflect each nation’s society. This project for cooperation between library staffs and researchers of Japan and Indochi [ Read More ] |