All events for CSEAS Toan Talk :Cosmopolitan Nationalism: The Filipino Ilustrados Abroad
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CSEAS Toan Talk :Cosmopolitan Nationalism: The Filipino Ilustrados Abroad
Title: Cosmopolitan Nationalism: The Filipino Ilustrados Abroad Speaker: Prof. Eugenio Matibag, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Iowa State University Date: July 4th (Thurs.), 2013, 12:00 - 13:30 Place: Tonan-tei (Room No. 201), CSEAS, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University Abstract: What is the meaning of nationalism in a world of globalizing interconnections? Does it make sense to see in national integration a “template,” as Thomas Hylland Eriksen puts it, for the processes of globalization? Do nationalist movements challenge colonial hegemony while seeking an accommodation within a global system of states and transnational agencies? Possible answers to these questions may be gleaned from the writings and personal histories of…
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