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Events for 2014/07/31

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3:00 PM

68th Kyoto Univ.ISS and Kei-Gi Field Station Program Monthly Research Seminar

We are pleased to annouce the following seminar. All are welcome. Date&Time:July.31, 2014 (Thursday) 15:00-17:30 venue:CSEAS Tonantei , 2th Floor of Inamori Building Title:Experience of Young Bhutanese scholars in Sasari Village, Miyama-cho. (In English) Speaker: Ms.GURUNG / DIKSHA, Ms.WANGMO / YESHEY Mr. JAMTSHO / TASHI Mr.TSHERING, Sherubtse College, Royal Bhutan University Comparative Views on Land use, population and administrative system between local government and the village. Language:English Contact: ANDO, Kazuo (Associate Professor, CSEAS) E-mail:ando at cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp   [googlemaps https://mapsengine.google.com/map/embed?mid=zGDVAb74Y1SE.kNO8Ye9-Zcvo&w=640&h=480]

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Seminar on Religion, Language, and Ethnic History of Burma/Myanmar’ Minorities

Date&Time:July.31, 2014 (Thursday) 15:00-16:45 Venue:Small Meeting room II (Room No. 331), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University Program: 15:00 – 15:20 “Protestant Vernacularism, Linguistic Classification, and Ethno-nationalism in Burma/Myanmar” by Masao Imamura (Research Fellow, CSEAS, Kyoto University) 15:20 – 15:40 “Two Versions of Buddhist Karen History of the Late British Colonial Period in Burma: Kayin Chronicle (1929) and Kuyin Great Chronicle (1931)” by Kazuto Ikeda (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University) 15:40 – 16:00 “Spoken Words of Traveling Karen Evangelists and the Formation of Ethnic Churches in 19th Century Burma” by Yoko Hayami (Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University) 16:00 – 16:15 Comment by Justin McDaniel (Professor of [ Read More ]

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