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Events for 2016/03/28

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3:00 PM

Zomia Study Group 12th meeting: March 28

Date: 28 March (Monday), 2016 15:00~17:30 Venue: Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, 201(Tonan-tei) Program: 15:00-15:10 Introduction by Masao Imamura 15:10-15:40 "Ethnicity, Vernacular, and Protestantism: A study of the Kachin in Northern Myanmar" by Keita Kurabe and Masao Imamura 15:40-15:50 Break 15:50-16:50 “Dancing Diplomacy: Cross-Border Recognition at Jingpo Manau Zumko Festivals” by Dr. Ho Ts’ui-p’ing 16:50-17:30 Open Discussion Abstracts: "Ethnicity, Vernacular, and Protestantism: A study of the Kachin in Northern Myanmar" by Keita Kurabe (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Masao Imamura (Kyoto University) Jinghpaw is a minority language in Myanmar—that of the “Kachin” people, one of seven major ethnic minority groups in the country. At [ Read More ]

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