A collaborative study wth Andalas Univ. in Indonesia: Prof. Nishibuchi (showing his face)started with teaching graduate students and others basic knowledge on detection of pathoggenic bacteria in seafood.
CSEAS offers various forms of academic supervision, which includes giving support to undergraduates, M.A. and Ph.D. candidates from our institution as well as those who receive supervision at the liaison offices in Jakarta and Bangkok. One component CSEAS encourages is dispatching students to Southeast Asia through an international exchange program. Furthermore, through collaboration with partners, CSEAS provides support for the co-authoring of materials. Another platform through which we help support Ph.D. candidates is through support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
Support also comes in the form of support students affiliated to both CSEAS and ASAFAS through grant-in-aid funding. This is used for overseas travel and providing opportunities to be attached to fieldstations in Southeast Asia. CSEAS hopes to be able to continue to strengthen academic supervision and promote educational exchanges between institutions in the region.