International Symposia

(c)Mario Ivan Lopez

(c)Mario Ivan Lopez


Many scholarly exchanges between the CSEAS and scholars from Japan, Southeast Asian, Northeast Asian, and other countries have been held through various international symposia, conferences, and workshops which CSEAS hosts or jointly sponsors with other institutes. A list of those held in 2012 are listed below.
Archives for 2011 can be accessed here.


International Symposia, Conferences, and Workshops 2010-2013



International Seminar on Current Status and Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management in Borneo: Views from governments, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities

Date:December 9(13:00-17:00)-10(9:00-17:00), 2013
Place:Room 333, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University(“Promoting the Study of Sustainable Humanoshpere in Southeast Asia” Program and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “Planted Forests in Equatorial Southeast Asia: Human-nature Interactions in High Biomass Society”)
Moderator: SAMEJIMA, Hiromitsu (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS), MORISHITA, Akiko (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Dr. Veerayooth Kanchoochat: Explaining Reform Politics in Thailand, 1980–2012: Coalition, Constitution, and Economic Consequences

Date:December 5, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Moderator: HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

Short Visit Scholarship Program Final Presentation

Date:December 3, 2013 13:00-14:10
Place:Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Historic Bldg. Kyoto University
Moderator: MASUDA, Gaku (Affiliated Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

Special Forum on Indonesian Studies 2013: Rethinking History, Politics and (Human) Rights in Indonesia

Date:November 30, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Moderator: OKAMOTO, Masaaki (Associate Professor, CSEAS), JAFAR, Suryomenggolo(Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

The 14th Southeast Asia Forum: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Vietnam

Date:November 30, 2013
Place:The lecture Hall, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Organizers: Moving Matters, University of Amsterdam, and Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator: KOBAYASHI, Satoru (Associate Professor, CSEAS), ONO, Mikiko (Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Prof. Ambeth Ocampo: RIZAL RANSOMED: Access and Research in the Philippines

Date:November 29, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator: HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

CSEAS Colloquium by Prof Kong Jianxun: Gender Difference of Labor Migrants’ Workplace Networks and Its Effects on Job Attainment: An Empirical Study in Southern Yunnan Provinc

Date:November 28, 2013
Place:Room332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator: ANDO, Kazuo (Associate Professor, CSEAS)

Hands on Training Workshop: MPN-PCR-LAMP-IMS-PLATING for detection of pathogenc Vibrioo cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Date:November 25-28, 2013
Place:NIH-Peru, Biomedicine Department 
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University: Development of an easy, sensitive, and quantitative method to detect enteric pathogens of global importance(Grant-in-Aid Funding:A)/Inter-Graduate School Program for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies
Moderator: NISHIBUCHI, Mitsuaki (Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Prof. Ooi Keat Gin: Robbed and Killed: The Impact of the Pacific War and the Japanese Occupation (1941-5) on the Chinese of Borneo

Date:November 18, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator: HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

Workshop ‘Anomie in Asia’

Date:November 16-17, 2013
Place:Medium Seminar Room, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building (third floor), Kyoto University
Organizers: Moving Matters, University of Amsterdam, and Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator: ISHIKAWA, Noboru (Professor, CSEAS)


ISEAS-CSEAS Joint Conference on Myanmar from the Margins

Date:November 14-15, 2013
Place: National University of Singapore
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University: “Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Connection for the 21st Century” and MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”, and ISEAS (Institute of Asian Studies) and National University of Singapore
Moderator: HAYAMI, Yoko (Professor, CSEAS)


Young Researchers’ Workshop on Politics, Culture, and Migration in Southeast Asia

Date:November 8, 2013
Place:Middle-Sized Room, Third Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University “Toward Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia” Research Program, the Asian Core Program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and the Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University
Moderators: HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)


Tonan Talk by Prof. Paul Kratoska: Current and Future Directions for Academic Publishing in Asian Studies

Date:November 7, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room No.201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University (MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”)
Moderators: ANDO, Kazuo (Associate Professor, CSEAS)


The 37th Southeast Asia Seminar: Human-Nature Interactions in Southeast Asia: Trans-disciplinary Approaches

Date:October 29-31, 2013
Place:Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Sponsors: MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”
JSPS Asian Core Program “Constructing a Southeast Asian Model for Co-existence of Multiple Civilizations in the Global Era”
Moderators: KOZAN, Osamu (Associate Professor, CSEAS), OKAMOTO, Masaaki (Associate Professor, CSEAS), ITO, Masayuki (Assistant Professor, CSEAS)


SEA-SH Seminar: Solar Energy Cookers and Drying for Cameroon: Life Changing Actions Pius Akumbu and Peg Barratt

Date:October 25, 2013
Place:Room331, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Organizers: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Sponsors: Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University: MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”)
Moderators: LOPEZ, Mario (Program Specific Assistant Professor, CSEAS)


Tonan Talk by Dr. Donna L. Doane: Gender and Economic Empowerment in Four Mekong Countries: Findings from Field Research

Date:October 25, 2013
Place:Room331, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Organizers:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University:MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”
Moderator:HAYAMI, Yoko (Professor, CSEAS)


CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Gérard Félix Diffloth: Austroasiatic Languages, Sinking Cathedrals

Date:October 24, 2013
Place:Room332, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:BONANNO, Gianluca (Research Fellow, CSEAS)

The Second Meeting of CSEASIA International Advisory Board

Date:October 11, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)


GRIPS International Seminar 2013, Part 1:Economic and Social Development in Modern India

Date:October 7, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers:The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) , KINDAS 1, RINDAS
Moderator:SUGIHARA, Kaoru (Japanese Visiting Professor, CSEAS)


Special Documentary Screening: ManDove

Date:October 7, 2013
Place:Room331, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:JAFAR, Suryomenggolo (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

GRIPS International Seminar 2013, Part 1 :Economic and Social Development in Modern India

Date:October 3, 2013 13:00-15:00
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizers:The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) , KINDAS 1, RINDAS
Moderator:SUGIHARA, Kaoru (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Japanese Visiting Professor)


CSEAS Colloquium by Ms. Latsamay Sylavong: Importance of Biodiversity for Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: A Case Study of Multi Village Mak Jong Management Group in Pathoumphone District, Lao PDR

Date:September 30, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:KOBAYASHI, Satoru(Professor, CSEAS)


Catching up Southeast Asian New body: States, Markets and Public Spheres

Date:September 25-28, 2013
Place:Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket, Thailand
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University (CSEAS): Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: ASIAN CORE PROGRAM (2009-2013) and “Promoting the Study of Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia”
Moderator:SHIMIZU, Hiromu (Professor, CSEAS), HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)


JASSO Short Stay Exchange Student Final Presentations

Date:September 18, 2013
Place:Meeting room207, Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Historic Bldg(#37, Red Brick 2story bld)., Yoshida campus,Kyoto Univ.
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:MASUDA, Gaku (Affiliated Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Prof. Elizabeth Moore: The East-West Cultural Corridor Project: Living Buddhist Heritage in Myanmar

Date:September 17, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University (MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”)
Moderator:KOBAYASHI, Satoru (Associate Professor, CSEAS)


The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH) – a Forum of The 7th Humanosphere Science School (HSS) 2013

Date:September 17-19th, 2013
Place:Bengkulu, Indonesia
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University (CSEAS), Kyoto University


Vietnam Rural Community Research Workshop

Date:September 7, 2013
Place:503E Meeting Room, University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Hanoi, Vietnam
Organizer:Bach Coc Research project for 20 years
Moderator:ONO, Mikiko (Assistant Profesor, CSEAS)


Tonan Talk by Prof. James Chin: Urban Vs Rural: The 13th Malaysian General Elections

Date:September 9, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University (MEXT Research Program “Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere”)
Moderator:MORISHITA, Akiko (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)


GRIPS The Paths of Economic Developement Group (The First Meeting)

Date:August 22, 2013 15:30 to 18:00
Place:Research Meeting Room 4B, 4th floor National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Organizer:National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Moderator:SUGIHARA, Kaoru (Japanese Visiting Professor, CSEAS)

GRIPS, Emerging States Project: Economic History Seminar:Before the Eagle Landed, After the Dragon Rose: Comparing U.S. Economic Development at the Turn of the 20th Century and Chinese Economic Development at the Turn of the 21st Century

Date:August 22, 2013
Place:Research Meeting Room 4B, 4th Floor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Research (GRIPS)
Organizer:National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Moderator:SUGIHARA, Kaoru (Japanese Visiting Professor, CSEAS)


Sino-Japanese Joint Workshop: A Simple, Rapid, and Sensitive Method for Quantitative Detection of the Virulent Population of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus from Seafood

Date:August 20-22, 2013
Place:College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China
Contact persons: Professor MITSUAKI Nishibuchi (CSEAS) ; Professor CHENGCHU Liu, College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China
Cosponsors: Inter-Graduate School Program for Global Survivability Studies Program, Kyoto University; Eiken Chemical Co., Japan; Beijing Lampu Bio-tech Co., Ltd., China
Participant from Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan: NAKAGUCHI, Yoshitsugu (Affiliated Associate Professor, CSEAS)

Related research project:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Scientific Research (A) ) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


Kyoto-Bhutan Friendship Seminar

Date:August 6, 2013
Place:Sameura-Sou Seminar Room, Tosa-cho, Kouchi Prefecture
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:MATSUBAYASHI, Kozo (Professor, CSEAS), SAKAMOTO, Ryota (Professor, CSEAS)


Special In-house Seminar on Practice-oriented Area Studies

Date:July 31, 2013
Place:Room 331, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:ANDO, Kazuo (Associate Professor, CSEAS)


Tonan Talk by Hungguk Cho: Reinterpretation of King Chao Anouvong (1804-1828) of Viengchan and Lao Historical Perception of Thailand

Date:July 31, 2013
Place:Room 331, Inamori Foundation Building (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KOIZUMI, Junko (Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University)


CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Swapan Kumar Dasgupta: Governance of Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Role of Members of Parliament

Date:July 25, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Building (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KOBAYASHi, Satoru(Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Simon Creak: Sport, Regionalism, and Regional History: Thailand’s Founding of the Southeast Asian Peninsular Games, 1957-59

Date:July 24, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KONO, Yasuyuki(Professor, CSEAS)


CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Latsamay Sylavong: Impacts of decentralization on Natural Resources Management in Laos

Date:July 24, 2013
Place:Seminar Room 409, Common Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KONO, Yasuyuki(Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Eugenio Matibag: Cosmopolitan Nationalism: The Filipino Ilustrados Abroad

Date:July 4, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS Kyoto University)


CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Latsamay Sylavong: Learning Experiences on the Decentralisation in Lao PDR on Forests and Natural Resources, with Specific Focus on Rights of Local Communities

Date:July 1, 2013
Place:Seminar Room 409, Common Building, CSEAS
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KONO, Yasuyuki (Professor, CSEAS)


Seminar by Dr. Latsamay Sylavong

Date:July 1, 2013
Place:Seminar Room 409, Common Building, CSEAS
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KONO, Yasuyuki(Professor, CSEAS)


Special Seminar by Prof. Thongchai Winichakul: Hyper-Royalism as Public Culture in Thailand: Cold War Insecurity, Visual Culture and Magic

Date:June 27, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:CHACHAVALPONGPUN, Pavin(Associate Professor, CSEAS)


The 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) ‘Macao: The East-West Crossroads’

Date:June 24-27, 2013
Place:The Venetian Hotel, Macao
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAYAMI, Yoko(Professor, CSEAS)


CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Suhardja D. Wiramihardja: Current Studies on Ethnoastronomy in Indonesia
Date:June 21, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KOBAYASHI, Satoru (Associate Professor, CSEAS)

API Seminar
Date:June 20, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAYAMI, Yoko (Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Mariam B. Lam: Cultural Economic Development in the Film Industries of Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos
Date:June 20, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

Seminar on the Potential for Research Collaboration between LIPI-Limnology and CSEAS

Date:June 7, 2013
Place:Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
Speaker:ITO, Masayuki(Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. David Streckfuss: Lèse-Majesté as Crisis of Monarchy: A Comparison of present-day Thailand and prewar Japan

Date:May 31, 2013
Place:Room 332, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KOBAYASHI, Satoru(Associate Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Christopher Miller: A Preliminary Examination Of Pa’O Music In Local And National Contexts

Date:May 30, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAYAMI, Yoko(Professor, CSEAS)

The 10th Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere Research Seminar:Exploring Astronomy in the Old Sundanese Culture

Date:May 27, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:Suhardja D. Wiramihardja (Visiting Research Scholar, CSEAS)

The Seminar on the Development of Southeast Asian and Indonesian Studies in the US and Indonesia and the Sulawesi Islands Studies

Date:May 20, 2013
Place:Seminar Room409, Common Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:OKAMOTO, Masaaki (Associate Professor, CSEAS)
Speaker:Prof. Gene Ammarell (ex-Director of Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Ohio University) and Mr. Benny Subianto (Program Officer for Harvard Indonesian Program).

The 3rd KASEAS-CSEAS Joint International Symposium ‘Border-crossing and Connectivity of Southeast Asia’

Date:May 10-11, 2013
Place:Mokpo National University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: ASIAN CORE PROGRAM(2009-2013) and “Promoting the Study of Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia,” Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies
Moderator:MIZUNO, Kosuke(Professor, CSEAS)

CSEAS Colloquium by Dr. Jacqueline A. Siapno: The global in the national and local: an ethnographic study of knowledge economies and governance in Timor Leste

Date:April 25, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:KOBAYASHI, Satoru (Associate Professor, CSEAS)

Short Stay Exchange Student Study Plan Presentation

Date:April 24, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Moderator:MASUDA, Gaku (Affiliated Assistant Professor, CSEAS)

The 9th Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere Research Seminar:Disconcerting Primates: from Anthropological Theory to Area Studies

Date:April 23, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room No.201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:Vincent Leblan(JSPS Fellow. The Center for African Studies,Kyoto University)


Special Seminar by Dr. Porphant Ouyyanont: King Bhumibol’s sufficiency economy philosophy and Thai society

Date:April 18, 2013
Place: Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:MIENO, Fumiharu (Associate Professor, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Dr. Bliss Cua Lim: An Archive of Fragments: Temporality, Knowledge, and Constraint in Philippine Cinema

Date:April 18, 2013
Place: Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

Special Screening of Pangasinan movies

Date:April 17, 2013
Place: Room 331, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:SURYOMENGGOLO, Jafar (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

Tonan Talk by Prof. Leonard Blusse: The Kaiba lidai shiji, How the Chinese of Batavia Assessed Their Urban Past

Date:April 11, 2013
Place: Tonan-tei (Room 201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:KOIZUMI, Junko (Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

Workshop on Healthy Ageing:

Date:April 9, 2013
Place: Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:MATSUBAYASHI, Kozo (Professor, CSEAS)

Special Seminar by His Excellency Fernando Lasama de Araujo: Timor Leste: Its Achievements and Challenges as a Post-Conflict Country

Date:April 3, 2013
Place:Room 332, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:HAU, Caroline (Professor, CSEAS)

The 8th Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere Research Seminar:Political and Social Dynamics of Coal Railway Project in Kalimantan, Indonesia

Date:March 19, 2013
Place:Tonan-tei (Room No.201), Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:MORISHITA. Akiko(Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

Sustainable Humanosphere Visual Documentary Project :“Care”in Southeast Asia: Every Day and into the Future

Date:March 15, 2013
Place:Room no. 333, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University

Plural Coexistence And Sustainability: Asian Experiences In Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Date:March 11- 12, 2013
Place:School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
Co-organizer:Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University/Nanyang Technological University


CSEAS-ARI Joint Workshop: Reassessing Ritual in Southeast Asian Studies

Date:February 25-26, 2013
Place:Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Co-organizer:Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, Department of History Ateneo de Manila University/Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University


Historiography and Nation since Pasyon and Revolution: Conference in Honor of Proffesor Reynaldo C Ileto

Date:February 8-9, 2013
Place:Manilla, Philipine
Co-organizer:Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, Department of History Ateneo de Manila University/Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University

International Workshop: Authoritarian State, Weak State, Environmental State? Contradictions of Power and Authority in Laos

Date:January 18-19, 2013
Place:Room no.331, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Moderator/Speaker:Simon Creak (Visiting Associate Professor, CSEAS :Hakubi Project ) , Keith Barney (Australian National University)

International Workshop: Integrated Pest Management: Towards Sustainability In Today’s Society

Date: January 17, 2013 13:30 – 17:30
Place:E101 East Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS), Kyoto University
Speaker:Kok-Boon Neoh(Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

International Workshop on Global Powers and Local Resources in Southeast Asia: Impact of International Forces on Local Society and Environment

Date:January 17, 2013 9:00 – 12:40
Place:Room no. 331, 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University
Speaker:MORISHITA, Akiko(Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)
Moderator:Jafar Suryomenggolo(Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)


International Workshop: Disaster and the City: Historical Perspectives from the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan, 1945-2011

Date:January 16, 2013 9:00 – 17:45
Place:Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University(CSEAS)Tonan-tei
Speaker:Loh Kah Seng(Program Specific Researcher, CSEAS)

Kyoto-Cornell Joint International Workshop on Trans-national Southeast Asia: Paradigms, Histories, Vectors

Date:January 11-12, 2013
Place:Rakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University
Co-organizer:SUGIHARA, Kaoru(Japanese Visiting Professor, CSEAS)/the Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University


SABH2012 The 214th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere International Symposium on Sustainable Development and Human Security in Southeast Asia through Biorefinery and Low Cost House

Date:December 11, 2013
Place:Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Co-organizer:RISH/Kyoto UniversityStrategic Funds for the Promotion of Science and Technology (SFPTS)
