

Kubo Tadayuki (JSPS Research Fellow)

Minpaku Young Scholar Seminar Award
Title: From Refugee to Citizen:Movement and Settlement of Burmese refugees
Date: November 2012


Kobayashi Satoru (Associate Professor)

Daido Life Foundation Incentive Award for Area Studies
Title: Reconfiguring Cambodian Rural Villages

Nishibuchi Mitsuaki

8th Awards for Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine
Title: Award for research related to elucidation of interrelationships between the natural environment and human activities (cultural, social, economic, etc.) through analysis of enteric infections in tropical areas, which gained remarkable results and clearly indicated a future course for tropical medicine in Japan.
Date: November 2011


Caroline Hau (Professor)

2010 Philippines Free Press Literary Awards, first prize for fiction.
Title: Recuerdos De Patay(Memento Mor)
Date: 12 July 2011
