Division:Network Division
Position:Associate Professor
Area:Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Religion,,Livelihood
E-Mail:kobasa [at] cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interests:
- Time-space analysis of religion and region in mainland Southeast Asia
- Livelihood changes in Cambodian rural society
- The making of public sphere in post-Pol Pot Cambodian society
Research Overview:
I have conducted a number of intensive field resaerches in Cambodia since the end of the 1990s. After published the monograph in Japanese about the reconfigration of rural communitis in the country (2011), I am making the concept of a new research based on the methodology of Area Informatics. In coming years, I would like to conduct researches of livelihoods and religious practice in communities in Cambodia and other countries in mainland Southeast Asia. By doing this, I try to explore the nature of human-nature interactions in this region for over hundred years.
Academic Articles:
Author Name | Title | Date |
小林知 | カンボジア農村における仏教施設の種類と形成過程 | 2013 有/日本語 |
東南アジア研究 51巻1号 | ||
小林 知 | カンボジア農村における死者儀礼 | 2012 無/日本語 |
『アジアの仏教と神々』立川武蔵編、法蔵館、129−147頁 | ||
小林 知・吉田 香世子 | カンボジアとラオスの仏教 | 2011 無/日本語 |
新アジア仏教史04 スリランカ・東南アジア 静と動の仏教』奈良康明、下田正弘、林行夫編. 佼成出版会:265-322. |