Course Provision

remote video lecture to ITB

remote video lecture to ITB photo (C) Gaku Masuda

Staff at CSEAS actively participate in provisioning courses and modules to both the Graduate School of African and Asian Studies (ASAFAS) as well as to other institutions within and outside of Kyoto University.

One of the main services CSEAS provides is long-distance learning. CSEAS provides faculty members who provision courses on Southeast Asian societies and the environment as part of international environmental management courses on the Global 30 Program. CSEAS offers the real-time streaming of courses to the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and allows for both students within Kyoto University and ITB to simultaneously participate in lectures. We also offer another long-distance learning course titled ‘Let everyone build tomorrow’s Asia IV’ which is run in collaboration with Keio University in English.

Furthermore, CSEAS also offers other courses within Kyoto University such as, Southeast Asian politics (ASAFAS), comparative economic development (Graduate School of of Economics), sociology (Graduate School of Letters), ecological medicine (Graduate School of Medicine) and introduction to research techniques in East Asian societies, fieldwork research for studying the life and health of the local aged, new Asian climates (Pocket Seminar), and Southeast Asia’s changing, environment and society.
