Re-publicizing the Philippines: Rebuilding lives after Typhoon Yolanda

Project Leader:YAMAMOTO, Hiroyuki (Kyoto University, Center for Integrated Area Studies)

CollaboratorsSHIMIZU, Hiromu (Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
         TAKAGI, Michiyo (Non-profit Organization JIPPO, Secretariat)
         HOSODA, Naomi (Kagawa Univeristy, International Office)
         KUSAKA, Wataru (Nagoya University, Graduate School of International Development)


Outline of Research:

Typhoon Yolanda damaged or destroyed nearly 1.1 million houses in the Philippines and displaced approximately 4.1 million people.

In this research project, researchers form area studies, disaster management, and NGO/NPO practitioners will jointly investigate the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation in the Samar and Leyte islands from the damage caused by the typhoon Haiyan (also called typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines) in November 2013. The project will record and analyze the process of recovery from the typhoon from multiaspects over several years. The project will also examine how the local community tries to cope with underlying problems through disaster management in the Philippines.


Around 2.5 million coconut trees were damaged by typhoon “Yolanda” in the provinces of Eastern Samar and Leyte.

The project is based on the current understanding of disaster that views natural disasters as a continuation of everyday life in which underlying problems in society become visible. Natural disasters also provide us an opportunity to rebuilt itself through the participation of various stakeholders in the relief and recovery process. This project aims to discuss the possibilities of nourishing a new set of ideas on public/common and private/private. It will examine the
emergence of practices seen in the Philippines society after typhoon Yolanda such as an increasing awareness toward information dissemination in the pre-disaster phase and mutual aid between local authorities in the post-disaster relief and recovery phase. As a joint research project with various stakeholders, the project also aims to provide information on how knowledge is useful in disaster management, by focusing on area studies the case of the Philippines while considering its applicability for other cases at the same time.
